2022-06-17 Meeting notes

2022-06-17 Meeting notes


  • Sean Claudio, UC Irvine 

  • Jessica Kruppa, UC Riverside, Chair 

  • Elizabeth Salmon, UC Merced;

  • Jared Campbell, UC Davis;

  • Joshua Gomez, UC Los Angeles 

  • Michael Craig, UC Santa Barbara 

  • Dominique Turnbow, UC San Diego, Vice Chair;

  • Jackie Gosselar, UC Berkeley

Not present:

  • Jess Waggoner, UC Santa Cruz; Gem Stone-Logan, California Digital Library ; Michele Mizejewski, UC San Francisco

Zoom Link to meeting (10 am): Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting

Meeting Recording: 2022_06_17_meeting.mp4



Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Sharing and Updates

Share any Discovery related information from other SILS groups




Primo Repository?




NERS voting

Review this cycle’s enhancement requests.

Determine if Discovery has any input on where to spend points.




7876 - Improvements to letters crosses into Discovery. Users have to use the discovery layer to understand what the letter says.

7880 - Collection Discovery is specifically the discovery layer. Currently collections are not dynamically updated and cannot be scheduled. This would improve functionality.

7935 - Affects delivery and discovery of centrally purchased electronic resources. Very curious how this plays out and the input from Electronic Resources team.

7988 - Affects Discovery in that it could display and be changed is Primo when a user is logged in. Unclear what problem in Alma/Primo this enhancement is trying to solve. Do any modules/features of Alma/Primo address the user in the third-person? Would it change how automated letters sent by Alma/Primo address a user? Is this to communicate a user’s pronouns to staff? Would staff address a user in the third person?

The Discovery team is very interested in enhancements 7876, 7880, and 7935.

7876 has been a source of confusion for users, staff have to field a lot of questions, and users have to use the discovery layer to try and interpret the letters.

7880 is important because many campuses have chosen not to use this potentially very useful feature (collection discovery) because collections have to be manually updated and campuses don’t have the staff bandwidth to manually maintain collections.

We are curious about 7988, but not as written. Users absolutely ought to be able to communicate what personal pronouns they want others to refer to them by.

But, it’s unclear if or where Alma/Primo refers to users with third-person pronouns. And, as written, the enhancement does not specifically say that those instances would be configured to use the preferred pronouns. (If it’s not in the enhancement, we can’t assume that what is logical to us is logical to the developers).

If the system never refers to the user with third-person pronouns, we’re uncertain if there is value in asking Ex Libris to spend time adding a feature that may ultimately have no functional value or benefit to the user.

Managing Users



















Wrap up

Review actions and decisions







Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion:



Discussion Parking Lot / Future Topics












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