2 | CDI Limit by Availability | Review the Decision Page. Is there anything else that our group wants to add? If no, it’ll be sent to eResources and Fulfillment. | Decision Page: CDI Limit by Availability [Phase 4 delegated] | | |
3 | Local Resource Type | NZ Sandbox Local Resource Type Update: | Concerns (Slack me if you want to troubleshoot any of these together):
Datasets - This uses the 593 $a but when I tried to create a set using the "local notes" index, it didn't retrieve any results. I assumed the 593 $a just isn't available in the NZ for IZ records.
Video Games - This also uses the 593 $a but to my surprise, it did retrieve 4 records. Though, surely there aren't just 4 records? In any case, I've run the job against the four that exist (Nier : Automata, Star wars jedi : fallen order, Hollow knight, and Assassin's creed: Origins)
LibGuides - used dc:type libguide. When I search for that, I get no results. I can't remember who requested this one? We might need to follow-up more as I don't think our Alma side has Dublin Core records?
This was a test. Did adding Custom Resource types for Reports and Looseleafs actually do any good?
Sean spot checked a few and the Reports were working. Still waiting on confirmation for looseleaf.
Libguides: We’re pulling them in via Primo Import, they don’t live in Alma, so there may be no way to fix it.
Zoe says that it could be imported with a norm rule that would make them viewable in the NZ.
4 | FRBR Preferred Records | Remind ourselves how we want to approach this issue. This is what we’ll work on when we come back January 13th.FRBR Preferred Records | Decide on Testing parameters | FRBR/DEDUP Preferred Records
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