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(Op Leads) Communication flows

See 5/5 Op Leads (PM) meeting notes and scenarios

Move to May 14.



Desired Outcome







Com Leads to understand and document information flows internally within the cohort and externally to campuses.

Understand if the PPC practices would extend to all coordination level groups (IC, PPC, TOC) or if other communication flows are needed.

Move to 5/14

PMs, Caitlin, Com Leads, Xiaoli


(Op Leads) Opening confluence

See also 5/5 Op Leads (PM) meeting notes

Determine what content needs to be in place on Confluence and if anything needs to be removed to avoid confusion (Adrian and Ben are doing an inventory of content that is missing on Confluence or should be held back until ready for primetime.)

  • Current v. SILS products and Major integrations should be accurate

    • ICs were already asked to verify this one, but we can assign a hard date.

    • Who is the audience for this one? It seems semantically overloaded…

  • FAQ? Yes, not fully fleshed out but at least some content.

  • Remove test docs?

  • Strategy: move page to WG space if not ready for primetime

Create communication plan.


Communication plan:

  • SILS-Cohort-L: Inform Cohort of date so they can review their content; explain our objective (transparency into decision-making process and project progress is a SILS principle #10), reminder to review your content, explanation of why we are not allowing members to make things private in Confluence (Ben & Adrian) by May 15, email/slack

  • Alert CoUL (Günter, Chris via Lena/Christine), DOC (Donald via Lena/Christine) before SILS News is published. (Lena & Christine) on May 15

  • Publish SILS News (June 1. day it opens) (Ben & Adrian)

  • Reminder the Monday before: Send Cohort a reminder that meeting notes will be visible and should be thoughtfully drafted.

June 1 for go-live with opening confluence

Not going to restrict any Confluence project pages.

Anything not ready for public viewing should not be placed on Confluence until it is ready.

Remove the Vacations/Out page from Confluence so that we can have everything open and transparent

Ben and Adrian will split the work of reviewing all pages on Confluence and let owners know if they see anything that is problematic.


Confluence branding

Decide on a name for the SILS Confluence site.

Current title: UC SILS Confluence

Home page name is: SILS Phase 4

  • SILS Project

  • SILS Project Wiki

  • SILS wiki

  • UC SILS Project

  • UC Libraries SILS Project

  • UC Libs SILS Project

  • SILS Project Phase 4


Ben, Adrian

UC Libraries SILS Project

PM co-chairs update

Bill Hackenberg is no longer with the SILS Project. We will meet with IC-Steering to discuss PM needs.

Reinventing the Operation Leads meeting, continued

  • How do things get added to the agenda? Self-serve with ground rule in place for sufficient warning of pre-reads and notice to Op Leads slack channel, time estimate.

  • Mini retrospective on the Ops Leads meetings at end of May: what’s working, not working, what have we learned to inform the next iteration?


Christine & Lena

Agreement to self-serve on adding agenda items to the agenda with a heads-up on the Op Leads channel that includes the topic and time involved.

Op Leads will review whether having 2 meetings is working. We will look at what works, what doesn’t, lessons learned and what needs to change (if anything).


(OP Leads) Step B (Liaison Members)

Awareness that liaison members on the Internal Training team would like the option to attend meetings

The request for an amendment to the current wording of the SILS phase 4 governance structure document is being brought to SILS working group on 5/14



  • Confusion in wording of liaison description. It implies liaisons should not attend meetings at all. A request for an amendment to the language will go to WG on 5/14.

  • Many liaisons are attending meetings. Internal Training liaisons are not attending meetings.

  • Concern that Internal Training liaisons will not be current with materials if they are not attending meetings. Neil suggests Internal Training should not be a stepped representative group, but rather a full representative group.

  • Internal training members are not responsible for doing the training but they determine which staff needs what training, ensure trainers are supported - reserving rooms, helping out.

  • A key task will be to monitor decisions that come out of cohort in order to modify training materials as needed. One document is maintained for all campuses. However, campuses may add or change a workflow step locally in a supplemental document. this person will need to consult at their campus to know if policies/practice decisions will affect the training documentation.

  • It’s fine to have liaisons for End User Outreach. We need full members for Internal Training.


(OP Leads) Training

Discuss the approach and recommended training for cohort groups

Training Overview (GDoc)

Cohort Training tracks (Gspreadsheet)



  • Numerous asks for basic training for the Cohort on Alma and Primo to facilitate decision-making.

  • Training tracks were the initial approach but more in-depth content is needed.

  • Ask is to verify the additional training for their groups is needed.

  • This current list is meant to be a library of basic videos in recommended viewing order.

  • Groups can request additional topics they would like to learn about and TOC will find an appropriate video(s) for that group.

  • How would Com Leads like the Basic Track training to be shared on Confluence? Put on Internal Training space.

  • These are not the right level for SILS News – too detailed.


(Op Leads) Opening confluence

Decision page (includes communication plan) Opening Confluence

Understand pending work:

  • FAQ, set deadline for first draft of content

  • Remove test docs

  • Any other content we need to create?

Awareness that Vacations/Out were deleted on Confluence and new pages created in G Shared Drive.



  • Audience: vast majority of traffic will be UC libraries, particularly, the cohort

  • Coms discussed the headers/categories they want on Confluence. They would like to use subpages to keep from scrolling.

  • Add Training section

  • Add FAQ section

  • Caitlin suggested using filters and the decision rollup macro to show a subset of desired decisions (e.g., done)

The Communication Op Leads are empowered to decide on the final layout for the wiki.

Top level FAQs will be live by June 1. By today the decision as to which FAQs will be in the initial document will be decided.


(Ops Leads) Local campus implementation teams/contacts

Have we fully defined the problem we are trying to solve?

How is communication disseminated from project to local groups? Do we need to track contacts?

Problem statement: we need to know who to contact at campuses in different cases. It would be helpful to have a document of who’s doing what. No single point person in Phase 4.

  • IC = implementation coordinator for local group

  • DOC = appointing new SILS members

  • Communications person?


Lena, Christine

Lena to share responses from ICs.



Assign out answer responsibilities at Thurs. Coms mtg

What is the process for asking this? Heard any questions, or concerns, around your campus (or in your groups) that could be added to an FAQ?


Ben, Adrian

What will the format be for the FAQ? Initial thoughts are to create categories and have table for question / answer.

Confluence, most likely.

Create a form for people to ask questions? Or use a global footer with


(COMTable for now


(PM) Ongoing checkin

  1. Is anything blocked or behind schedule?

  2. What deliverables are coming in the next week?

  3. Any decisions, consultations or approvals needed in the next week? 

  4. Do you need anything?




(COM) SILS News Communications Phase 4 Editorial Calendar

Awareness of upcoming communications and anything needed

  • date needed for Training videos in SILS News


Parking Lot




Future Agenda items

  1. PM Leads to determine what the highest value meeting time would be for SILS project co-chairs (Chris & Günter) to join a meeting/participate.

  2. Premortem results (See April 28 meeting)

  3. Com Leads agenda: Decision dashboard (how that would look, where it will live. Comm leads will need to decide by the end of the month. discussed at April 14 Steering meeting)

  4. Com Leads agenda: SILS abbreviations
