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  • Sarah Lindsey, Chair

  • Lakshmi Arunachalam, Vice Chair

  • Ramon Barcia (out)

  • Tom Bustos

  • Greg Ferguson

  • Jackie Gosselar

  • Jeremy Hobbs

  • Xiaoli Li (out)

  • Caitlin Nelson

  • John Riemer

  • Zach Silveira

  • Gem Stone-Logan

  • Robin Gustafson, Past SILS Leadership Group Chair

  • Anna Arrieta, Support Member

  • Darren Furrey

Meeting Recording

The meeting recording is available for download in the OT Shared Google Folder, which you can access using this link:

  • Report for reference: EIMP PT Update, June 2024 - Google Docs

  • Can OT have a conversation about the feasibility of a permanent group? Capacity? Transformation?


    Desired Outcome







    Updates - from All-Chairs, Leadership Group, etc.

    • Provide updates from other SILS meetings

    5 mins15 minutes


    • AC update (Sarah and Caitlin)

      • discussion re: finding VC and difficulties associated with that process

        • interesting side note: a lot of leadership is coming from UCLA this year

      • will be looking at workplans this year - each other’s workplans, critical assessment, etc.

        • related note: dovetails with OT workplan - help make all the workplans more cohesive

      • feedback?

    • RNPT update (Caitlin)

      • contract has been signed!

      • highlights:

        • better metrics

        • better price

        • renewed for 2 more years with an additional renewal after that time period for 3 more years - pending 2 year workstream improvement project (WIP)

        • more total accounts - 4000 vs. 2091

          • in 2 years this number will increase to 4500

          • allows for the ability to break down shared accounts

          • account clarification: one user with an IZ and NZ account counts as 2 separate accounts

        • more bib records, FTE - overall allowance for growth

        • fiscal breakdown will be coming in the next couple months

    • LG update (Tom)

      • Workstream Improvement Project team

        • Caitlin, Gem, Tom, and Todd have already been tapped for leadership roles

        • experts will also be added

        • lots of the items listed on our “Beeves” document have been included in this plan

        • ExL will be working with this team

        • Timeline:

          • November 2024 - report produced with reconciliation to follow

          • February 2025 - plan updates complete


    Topics or questions for the Ex Libris Support Meeting

    5 mins


    24 minutes


    • next meeting is on 8/16/24

    • update from Gem

      • call for SILS OT members to share specific ticket numbers for problems that ExL cannot duplicate in Slack

    • UCB ticket #07056846

      • current response from ExL - development set a target date of February 2025 for a fix

    • UCSD ticket

      • Response from ExL regarding back button issues was “elaborate the expected behavior”

        • current response is working “by design” - an unacceptable response

      • ticket regarding bulk export - ended up involving UCSD creating user records for testing

        • ExL asks campuses to create user records for testing vs. having testing records of their own

    • poor customer service patterns observed

      • would like to see the ability by ExL to admit bad design and/or have more honest customer service responses in general


    Q & A Session - Including Questions on Slack since last meeting

    • Any questions from the team?

    • Questions from Slack?

    5 0 mins


    • discussed in agenda item 2


    Project Team Check-in: EIMP-PT

    • Written update provided to OT

    • Conversation on feasibility of a permanent group for this work/support this work

    10 mins


    OT workplan

    • Discussion of “does OT need a workplan?”

    15 minutes


    • New workplan - does OT need a new workplan?

      • suggestion by Caitlin - periodic check in and review of the core questions “What does OT do? What is our purpose? Are we being useful in that purpose?”

        • Purpose - make sure we’re all on the same page and know we’re being successful

    • look at Alma/Primo VE Issues and Themes document

      • workstream improvement

    • have list of projects to work on when there is down time

    • strategies for sharing sessions during OT meetings

    • quarterly update (from Gem?) on new releases for assessment/review

    • Network user records purges (concern from UCSD) - how to remove these user records permanently

      • does removal from one campus extend to removal from all campuses?

      • decision to move this topic to the pending projects/materials section of the agenda for further discussion at a later date


    Pending projects / materials:

    • FYI updates on anything we’re waiting for

    0-5 mins1 minute


    • (Revisit after August / Sept 2024) Data Forms Privacy - revisit after data policy and privacy project team recommendations have been published

      • revisions are still pending

      • final report will be shared after revisions

      • Still awaiting final report from LG before further action


    Executive Session

    Private discussion as needed

    0 -5 mins


    Parking Lot

    Capture important topics for future discussion

    0 -5 mins

  • Taking the Temperature Survey

    • Discuss Responses from Survey, particularly the What worries you? and What are you most excited about? sections

    • incorporate into the reboot

  • Lessons Learned on Kanopy kbase from UCSC

    • Project Team Check-ins (quarterly basis - last check in was around March 2024)

      • OARM-PT

      • EIMP-PT

    • Signature Success Program

      • paused during renegotiations

      RNPT update in June/July?
    • Known Issues with Alma/Primo VE

    • Alma Consortia Advocacy Group (ACAG) updates as needed

    • SSO use in the NZ - updates from Gem as needed

    • New workplan - does OT need a new workplan?

    • Alma Data Privacy - annual reminder



    20-35 mins55 minutes