Versions Compared


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  • Jackie Gosselar, UC Berkeley

  • Jess Waggoner, UC Santa Cruz

  • Jared Campbell, UC Davis;

  • Zoe Tucker, UC Los Angeles

  • Douglas Worsham, UC San Diego

  • Jessica Kruppa, UC Riverside, Chair 

  • Joe Ameen, UC Merced;

  • Gem Stone-Logan, California Digital Library;

  • Zach Silveira, UC San Francisco

  • Sean Claudio, UC Irvine 

Not Present

  • Jackie Gosselar, UC Berkeley

  • Michael Craig, UC Santa Barbara


Meeting Recording:


AFN Consortia block decision page, Database Search failures, Hathi Trust ranking

Database Search

“The Database Search page enables users to search specifically for local databases or electronic collections that are associated with a descriptive (bibliographic) record that is not suppressed and has a valid collection-level URL that has been configured for linking to the database or collection in the Level URL field. In addition, it provides auto-complete suggestions and the ability to browse for databases based on category.”

  • Does this, as written, sound useful?

  • What do we consider a database?

    • Do we consider JSTOR Arts and Sciences a database?

  • Are the records we expect to show up, that aren’t showing up, suppressed in Alma?


Desired Outcome


Decisions / Discussion



Sharing and Updates

Share any Discovery related information from other SILS groups

  • No objections or comments re: FRBR Challenges in a Consortium Environment Next step?

  • FRBR call it decided. Added consortia and known-issue labels.


    UX Subgroup updates


    Berkley is doing an inclusive UX focus group study in the future to identify pain points to guide future usability for us. Working on an IRB and securing funding.


    Database Search

    Review and fill out decision page

    la: sounds useful. People are typing database names into primo and expecting to get links to the jstor database. UCSC agrees: Typing ARTSTOR should bring up a record with a link out, and users think we cancelled the sub because the record doesn’t show or link out.

    Worse than nothing: They get a record, but there’s no link.

    •  Page and list for examples of records that appear that don’t have links. Deadline: Next meeting.
    •  Get examples of records that should show up as a database, but are not.
    •  Get examples of records that show up, but don’t have a link out to the resource.

    Hathi Trust


    AFN Consortial Block Decision Page

    “As stakeholders in this decision, we are seeking your input (and any of your local library/campus staff you deem appropriate) in this proposal”

    Discovery endorses this position

    An existing issue is that users with blocks see a page that simply says the page isn’t available for their user group. We’ll want to review that language and find something more informative. If they are blocked because of a user group, it should say so. If they are blocked because of a billion fines, it should say that.

    •  Respond to the team that “Discovery endorses this position.”

    Database Search

    Need examples

    Decision Page: Database Search


    FYI: Multi-Part E-Collections

    •  Document Database Search failures so we can start identifying the multiple issues affecting searches.

    Hathi Trust

    Need examples


    OT felt questions and next steps related to this report would best be handled by the Discovery Operations SubTeam.

    We empower Discovery to review and decide the priority and feasibility of this work and if appropriate, decide that work related to this report is not feasible at this time.

    context: cdl works with ht did env. scan of uc lib search on how ht surfaces. notices variations between campuses, not surprising because no harmonization. Discuss risks/benefits to harmonization. If it’s not feasible for disc to take it on at this time, we can talk about that. See if there’s anything that makes sense to harmonize or not.

    SC is using CDI collection. Why is there a dif between CDI and API? API has links to public domain materials that don’t come through CDI. UCB used the API because the CDI didn’t surface stuff, but the API did.

    API is a better user experience that inserts a link into the record. BUT it is more maintenance, and it makes the Available Online facet inaccurate.

    UCB, UCLA, SCSB are using it.

    The API requires a record, so some stuff is in HT that doesn’t have a record to tack that link onto.

    Most coverage needs both the CDI and the API. The API slows things down.

    API exposes the link nicely in the brief results, and if anything has no links in the record, the api

    •  Gem will ask Paul at CDL about approaching HathiTrust about getting more stuff into CDI, or why there is a discrepancy. (deadline: next meeting)
      •  After we have some initial information, we’ll touch bases with ERES (the ask is based on what we learn).

    Exclude records from Discovery Network

    The indexes need to be set up in NZ also. Waiting on…ticket with ExL about how the boosting interacts. They may not know that this is a problem that we’re struggling with.

    We don’t think the problem (Records from Hathi Trust missing in CDI) is the problem. We think that the CDI records are simply ranking lower than UC held items.

    •  We’ll go through the original report and replicate their testing and document differences (since NZ activated Hathitrust worldwide since this report was created)
    •  We’ll submit an ExL ticket for more documentation re: ranking configuration and how it interacts with other ranking configurations.
    •  Ask UX subteam to look into creating a “button” for cdi records that have a link to hathitrust on the brief record results.

    Any outstanding SLACK questions or other things that have come up?


    Review Workplan


    Work Plan


    Pre/Post meeting Discussion comments and thoughts

    • Review the possibility of leveraging Idea Exchange and enhancement points to get stuff we want developed… developed.
