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  • Jackie Gosselar, Chair

  • Sarah Lindsey, Vice Chair

  • Lakshmi Arunachalam

  • Ramon Barcia

  • Greg Ferguson

  • Jeremy Hobbs

  • Caitlin Nelson (out)

  • John Riemer

  • Zach Silveira

  • Tom Bustos (out)

  • Xiaoli Li (out)

  • Lynne Grigsby, Past SILS Leadership Group Chair (out)

  • Gem Stone

  • Anna Arrieta, Support Member

Meeting Recording

The meeting recording is available for download in the OT Shared Google Folder, which you can access using this link:

Jackie/ Team



Desired Outcome







Updates - from All-Chairs, Leadership Group, etc.

  • Provide updates from other SILS meetings

5 mins


7 minutes


  • LG

    • last met on 11/8/23

    • renewal negotiation project team - still awaiting information from Tom

    • updates to membership model language/charge

    • SILS newsletter discussion

      • contents, frequency, etc.

      • updates in the future

    • Jackie gave an OT update

  • AC

    • last met on 11/7/23

    • OST updates - roundtable

    • resource management - expanded NZ access proposal in progress

    • all UC sharing session planned for 2024

    • discovery - ebooks configuration testing is ongoing, currently paused for quarterly release notes

    • resource sharing - Tipasa testing, AFN reports from Analytics ticket

    • Eres - working on best practices document

    • Alma/Primo VE “beeves” - shared with LG

      • asked LG members to add specifics

      • will be discussed with Adriana on 11/22/23

      • OT members asked to please continue to add items to this document

      • meant as an internal document - not to be shared with ExL in it’s current unpolished form


Q & A Session - Including Questions on Slack since last meeting

  • Any questions from the team?

  • Questions from Slack?

5 mins



Topics or questions for the Ex Libris Support Meeting

5 mins


State of SILS

  • discuss topics to review for the January Town Hall Meeting

10 mins


19 minutes


  • Pendo - live and active by default

    • Gem has an additional ticket in to ExL on this issue

    • data may be stored on European servers - not a security concern

  • Greg - adding citations to course reserve lists

    • use keyword option to search barcode (workaround)

    • fix rumored to have been pushed out today - as yet untested

  • Greg - GRLN compliance question regarding network users: are we still compliant considering this area? some are refreshing, some are not (still using legal name)

    • Jackie - question: are we waiting for ExL refresh?

      • submit a ticket to see when the refresh is happening and how that will effect this concern

    • campuses have until 12/23/23 to be in compliance

    • some campuses might still be updating their processes? - need to update the spreadsheet to reflect in process campuses

  • Gem - consortia comment/plug



  • provide update on this committee

  • vote to approve 1 year extension

10 mins4 minutes


From Catherine Busselen:
”Following our conversation earlier this month, the EIMP-PT has decided that it would be in our best interest to officially request a 1 year extension to our charge in order to complete deliverables in a meaningful way.  To date we have done information gathering and created an infrastructure to help us move onto the next steps of making recommendations and best practices for the UC system.  The majority of our existing members are able to continue on with this important work for the extended period of time and can work with their supervisors and DOC representatives to get approval for the added time commitment.  Marcia Barrett is eager to continue this important work as co-chair.  Catherine Busselen will be able to stay on as a member, however, would need to step down as co-chair.  Tricia Lampron, a current member, is available and willing to take on the co-chair role during this extension.  Should any campus representative be unable to continue on, we would have them go through the existing process for withdrawing from a SILS committee and would seek additional membership, as appropriate.”

  • vote on 1 year extension for this project team: approved

extension approved

  •  Jackie Gosselar will contact Catherine Busselen regarding approval of a 1 year extension for this project team

Topics or questions for the Ex Libris Support Meeting

4 minutes

Jackie/ Team

  • next meeting: Friday 11/17/23

    • Center for Research Libraries ticket - talked about at ExL meetings, but no progress

    • Gem suggested a request for meeting regarding content (current meetings are not about content)

  • post additional items into the Slack channel


State of SILS

  • discuss topics to review for the January Town Hall Meeting

17 minutes


  • AC will discuss contents of this town hall at their meeting next week

  • Members asked for items to include:

    • Who is our audience?

      • everyone - even outside the SILS cohort

    • aim for short snippets of information (“lightning round” - 2 or 3 minutes) vs. a longer update (hard to retain attention)

      • Jackie will pose this idea to AC next week

    • include a project team overview - something small that covers the last 6 months, future projects, etc.

      • consider late-January as the date for the town hall to provide more time for project teams to determine what they would like to share

    • powerpoint/other visual/activity to capture attendees' attention and engage them

    • use a standard format that can be used at each town hall meeting

  • side question: who is hosting?

  • LG solicited feedback after their last town hall


Pending projects / materials:

FYI updates on anything we’re waiting for

5 mins0 minutes


  • Data Forms Privacy - revisit after data policy and privacy project team recommendations have been published

  • table for next meeting


Review the Sandbox testing plan for changing the Organization Unit Name

  • updates?

5 min4 minutes


  • For reference: Org Name Testing Document

  • removing the commas did fix the issue

    • no specific problems associated with this change

  • for consideration: do we want this in production? what does that mean? How will this effect analytics?

  • next steps?

    • talk with your campuses and discuss concerns with removing the commas, etc.


Review/Update OT Workplan

  • Follow-up discussion on review/update to the OT Workplan from OT-SC meeting

  • continue working through status of incomplete items

5 mins2 minutes

Jackie/ Team

  • Document for reference: Known Issues

    • update from Gem on a prototype for sharing this kind of information?

    • table for next meeting


Executive Session

Private discussion as needed

5 0 mins


Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion

5 0 mins

  • Taking the Temperature Survey

    • Discuss Responses from Survey, particularly the What worries you? and What are you most excited about? sections

    • incorporate into the reboot



60 57 mins