Report any major changes in availability / circumstances
Big projects are coming to campuses
Anything issues from Slack, Email, Basecamp that need discussion, action?
Homework from last week: Understand data cleanup timeline for each campus cleaning up their own data. Ask ILSDC group to take this issue and better understand it. Focus on the 4 fields that don’t get wiped.
RSPG meeting with Ex Libris to provide an overview of the RLFs at UC (Cathy, Liz R.)
3-weeks for testing might be a good amount. Campuses are busy with implementing library activities such as page and hold and digitizing materials.
Sep 24 checkin with ICs - draft deadline
We are concerned about the timeline for systemwide decision-making on standardizing: ILSDC
Systemwide standardization decisions & cleanup (PPC, FGs, ILSDC) need to have their test plans and decision-making timeline. What’s working on day 1 go-live governs what decisions to focus on. Look at the RFP for essential requirements to decide what’s critical. This gives us the MVP.
Give the RFP #1s to the vanguard and have them test against them. Seeing which ones are fine vs which ones are wonky will be very instructive as to where to focus energy.
Mini-retrospective on lessons learned with ICs in advance of the official October lessons learned with ExL: schedule post-config form, between Aug 21 and Sep 4.