Team Charter

Team Charter


Design and, as appropriate, implement the infrastructure for CDL Acquisitions and get it into Network Zone (NZ) instance of Alma to be shared with campus Institutional Zones (IZ).


What are the duties needed to get the work done? Who will take notes? Who will keep meetings on track/time? Who is responsible for tracking actions?

Facilitators' job is to help organize and be thoughtful about what we’re spending time on. Specifically, by setting the agenda, take notes, and be the timekeeper. Facilitator helps keep track of the timeline and action items; is empowered to remind. Facilitator is empowered to call names! Facilitator does not vote.

Do we need chair(s)? No.

Team is shaping the agenda on an ongoing basis; facilitator is setting / creating the agenda document

Designated rep: speak to AllChairs, OT, etc. (not Caitlin, who won’t attend all the meetings): Buddy system! CDL rep + Campus rep. Designate who can do it when the opportunity comes.

Each member brings their own expertise as their “role.”

Recording meetings: Gem records, but can pass “owner” to any UCOP person as needed.

What are our expectations for working together?

Create a list of statements that the team agrees to uphold. For example, ask yourself: How do we make this group a safe space for transparent discussion (knowing that it might become contentious, and avoid back-channeling)? What are our ground rules for meetings? How do we ensure everyone is engaged? How do we ensure everyone has a voice? How will we resolve disagreements?

Assume best intentions

When does the meeting start (in terms of waiting for people)?

What happens if someone can’t make it? Does the show go on?

Communication shorthands:

Parking lot: something important, but just not right now.

Fist of five for formal votes; thumbs up / take temp for informal.

Work toward compromise whenever possible; good enough vs perfect. Looking for middle ground (b/w IZ-NZ) that’s workable.

Use hand-raising in Zoom to await turn to speak when appropriate.

Ensure multiple perspectives (on the system/process) are represented in discussions/decisions. Gap analysis; “is there any angle we’re missing?” kind of sanity check. Is there anything we’re forgetting?

Being able to wear many hats: not my campus specifically all the time, but “Campus” generally; or “CDL” generally. (Back to “would this mostly work / be good enough for everyone?”)

Team is enabled to make decisions without sending things out to the other SILS groups every time.

What is the path to resolve obstacles? Identify the relevant party to address the obstacle. Smaller group bring back to larger group to discuss. Navigate via RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulting, Informed) when further escalation is needed.


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