

Achieve the One University, One Library vision by utilizing the opportunities of the shared Primo discovery layer to make our digital collections more discoverable and to promote their use by students, faculty, researchers, and the public. Utilize the lessons learned during this collaborative process to transform UC digital collections work at the campuses and statewide. 

Vision Statement:

  1. We will integrate the online resources and digitized collections stewarded by UC into a shared digital discovery environment in order to showcase and increase the use of those items by the UC community and the public at large, enhancing discoverability and providing seamless access. 

  2. We will propose a process to support continual assessment of our digital library collections to assess the degree to which they reflect the diversity of our state.

  3. We will identify the best options for ongoing harvesting of our heterogeneous and ever growing digital collections records into the Primo VE discovery layer.

  4. We will balance systemwide and campus needs, while keeping a user-centered focus. 

  5. We will learn from the collective expertise of others in the UC System and beyond. 

  6. We will explore new and innovative collaborative activities (e.g., linked data), evaluating opportunities and exploratory outcomes in terms of their strategic value at both campus and systemwide levels.

The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

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