EIMP-PT Charge
Ethical and Inclusive Metadata Practices in UC Library Search Project Team
We are at a point where the broader cataloging community is ready for “power-holding institutions” to make changes in their practices focused on reparative and inclusive descriptive metadata; at the same time, the shared UC ILS makes it possible for UC to act as such a “power-holding institution”. We are well positioned to focus our efforts on creating reparative and inclusive descriptive metadata in UC Library Search. In order to accomplish this, legacy cataloging terms and practices need to be analyzed for harmful language, vocabularies that do not represent or erase cultural nuance, and rectified with a goal to create a practice of anti-racist and anti-biased description and classification for a more diverse, equitable, inclusive, just and accessible (DEIJA) UC Library Search.
The shared ILS creates an expectation that all campuses will harmonize to the extent possible our descriptions, subject headings, and classifications across institutions, but this is not currently the case. This project will help to harmonize efforts across the campuses for better discovery and ethical description.
Some campuses have already started this work, but in the shared system, if these decisions aren’t made in collaboration/concert then it may cause unforeseen problems in discovery.
The Ethical and Inclusive Metadata Practices in UC Library Search Project Team will survey all UC campuses regarding local efforts aimed at reparative and inclusive language already in place or being discussed. The project team will assess the current state of UC Library Search regarding DEIJA. The project team will determine if any of that existing work could be incorporated or implemented systemwide. The project team will identify existing resources and training materials for campuses embarking on these endeavors. The project team will determine what systemwide harmonization efforts can help further support the local campuses current work in this area and recommend best practices for those campuses who have not yet been able to address these needs locally. Implementation of the recommendations is the responsibility of the appropriate SILS Operations Subteams and individual campuses.
Identify needs at each campus with regards to successful implementation of ethical and inclusive metadata practice for description, faceting, subject headings, controlled vocabularies, and authority records in SILS and UC Library Search (Alma and Primo).
Create a list of UC reparative and inclusive cataloging local projects and practices that can be shared systemwide.
Create a means of information sharing and communication around local campus efforts
Create a space for resources and training materials for UC libraries addressing DEIJA in cataloging, metadata and discovery
Make concrete recommendations for addressing representation issues with vocabularies, including misrepresentation due to factual error or bias and underrepresentation or erasure due to lack of specific headings. (Will include in work plan for the new group)
Develop best practices to create anti-racist and anti-biased description and classification for a more equitable, diverse and inclusive UC Library Search (Will include in work plan for the new group)
Make concrete recommendations for reparative cataloging for catalogers and systems personnel (Will include in work plan for the new group)
Make concrete recommendations for improved DEIJA discovery experience Will include in work plan for the new group
Hold regular updates with the stakeholders (Q1-4)
Create final report (Q4)
Deliverables broken into quarters:
1st quarter: work plan with deliverable due dates and regular stakeholder consultations. creation of resource space (slack, SILS confluence, etc.)
2nd quarter: work it!
3rd quarter: SILS town hall/feedback
4th quarter: final report
5-6 campus members + 1 CDL member + 1 Project manager
Functional Areas:
Cataloging, metadata, special collections, discovery, systems
Staff Time Needed:
2-4 hours/week
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