Best Practices: Title Platform Transfers

Best Practices: Title Platform Transfers

Owning group


Type of documentation

Practice and Documentation

As-of date

Sep 10, 2024


Background: Perpetual rights and entitlement tracking in Alma DRAFT


  • This page is about electronic titles transferring from one platform/publisher to another, not changes in bibliographic titles.


NISO transfer alerts: https://www.niso.org/standards-committees/transfer/tas


Ulrichs: http://ulrichsweb.serialssolutions.com/

Keepers: https://keepers.issn.org/


CDL data available to support campuses perpetual rights tracking for Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 acquisitions.

  • There are cases, where resources have not been kept up to date, perhaps as a result of a change in legacy practices following the July 2021 UC Library Network migration.

License categories for post-cancellation access (PCA)
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis executed a retrospective analysis of all licenses and found most agreements could be grouped into the following categories for post-cancellation access (PCA):

  • third-party preservation entities (e.g., Portico)

  • delivered (e.g., jump drive)

  • vendor hosted and some with fees

  • rolling PCA allowed access to the most recent five years of content, so with every year of subscription more and more content would become inaccessible.

    (Sunshine Carter, “The perpetual access rights ‘problem’,” ELUNA Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA, May 3, 2018, https://documents.el-una.org/id/eprint/1706/

  • (accessed 5 April 2023)


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