Perpetual rights and entitlement tracking in Alma DRAFT

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Perpetual rights and entitlement tracking in Alma

Decision summary


Owning group

ERES + @Michelle Polchow







Decision-making process




Target decision date

June 27, 2024

Date decided

[type // to add Date]



Stakeholder group


Stakeholder group







CDL Shared Licensing negotiates a significant portion of the journal collection for all UC campuses. These licenses determine to what extent these resources have assurance for long-term preservation, post-cancellation access, and mechanisms for access. Perpetual access (or alternatively, archival) status information supports more complex projects that involve placing serials in digital storage facilities, repurposing stacks to free up physical space for alternative uses, and resulting metadata operationalizes data-driven decision-making, . Data also informs gauging long-term access to the digital journals, which is mission critical for libraries, to ensure digital scholarly content in all formats remains available to future users. For instance, if a journal ceases to be published, the archival status guides users to the archiving agency providing long-term access. Without operationalizing this data, decisions are made in the dark, jeopardizing the local community users uninterrupted access to content, regardless of whether a subscription continues, or a business or technology fails.


Perpetual access, is a mutual obligation libraries and publishers have to ensure long-term preservation of the scholarly. Agreements between the parties are good places to document these mutual obligations. These might be subscription agreements, open access publishing agreements, or agreements that blend the two. Recent research indicates that in many existing agreements, terms were vague, unclear regarding the precise content and time depth preserved, unnecessarily restrictive in terms of access and/or use, conflated post-cancellation access and long-term digital preservation and access, and was sometimes administratively burdensome to implement. It was also difficult to verify compliance with the agreements, and that the content was actually preserved properly. In 2023, LibLicense Model license recommended improved language and guidance for working this into new agreements.

License categories for post-cancellation access (PCA)
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis executed a retrospective analysis of all licenses and found most agreements could be grouped into the following categories for post-cancellation access (PCA):


Alma functionality
Facilitates licenses associated with corresponding portfolios. Given local campuses may also license the same journal as CDL, with different coverage dates, this creates a more complex record keeping process. UCSC has developed a workflow distinguishing local access versus CDL coverage.

Local UC Campus Practices
Campus Tracking data points for Perpetual Access - survey of local activity. (March 2024).

Options Considered [remove if not needed]


Option 1

Option 2


Option 1

Option 2











Questions to consider









Title transfer




Title changes




CDL Tier 2 changes




Tier 3 perpetual/post Cx access to CDL managed content




CZ bib record reliability on title changes




Perpetual access vs post-cancellation access




IZ/NZ duplication of portfolios in Primo and coverage display




Cross referencing print holdings (local and RLF)




Licensing information cross references





Action Log

Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date












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