Draft - AFN Potential Issues & Resolutions

Draft - AFN Potential Issues & Resolutions


Borrowing Campus Actions

Lending Campus Actions

Patron Actions

Patron loses item borrowed through AFN.



Work with lending campus to replace or pay for the item, per the lending library policies.

See Directory for contact info.

AFN patron doesn't respond to notifications about overdue items or bills.


(Revisit once blocks are configured.)

→ possibly unnecessary since Alma doesn't have this level of communication

Perform a shelf check

Reach out to borrowing library, ask them to initiate shelf check. See Directory for contact info.


Potentially block the patron if appropriate. Alternatively, asking the borrowing campus to block the patron if appropriate.

Work with lending campus to replace or pay for the item, per the lending library policies.

AFN patron not found/expired/blocked in Alma.

Confirm patron affiliation & direct them to work with home library.


Patron should work with their home campus library.

Patron is given too short of due date(s) for item(s).

Confirm patron affiliation & direct them to work with home library.


Patron should work with their home campus library.

AFN request is put into transit from lending library, never arrives at borrowing campus.

Reach out to lending library and notify patron. See Directory for contact info.


  • Revisit w/ Resource Sharing OST about better tracking from courier. Packing slip?

Perform shelf check. Follow up with courier service.


Returned AFN item never arrives at lending library. (Item off of the user record.)

Perform shelf check and follow-up with courier service.


  • What happens if the item is not located after shelf checks and follow up with courier? Do we charge borrowing UC? Do we eat it?

  • Should we have a standard practice so that the item doesn’t sit in In-Transit status indefinitely?

Perform shelf check, see whether or not the item has arrived.


AFN item is not checked in, patron claims they returned it, never arrives at lending library.

Initiate the search here first. Lending campus can create claims return.


If not found, connect patron with lending library to pay for item. See Directory for contact info.

Double check to see to see if the item ever arrived.


Owning institution may decide that they do not want to bill the user. Communicates this to all parties as necessary.

User will continue to get notices.


Work with lending campus to replace or pay for the item, per the lending library policies. See Directory for contact info.

AFN patron returns item with damage.

Do not return in Alma, contact lending campus for guidance


  • Is this realistic? The lending library would still want the item sent, but with some additional information (note? email?).

Document any existing damage when an item is sent (prior to patron receiving it)?


Item should be on the hold shelf and is not.

Perform shelf check, search for item.


Ask patron if they might have picked it up already.


  • Is there a next step if the item is not located after a shelf check and confirmation that the user does not have it? Help user re-request?

  • What about the item? Do we leave it until it hits the expired hold shelf and then notify the owning campus to change to lost?

  • Do UCs pay for these since we had to have received it to get it on the hold shelf?



Anomalous notices being sent out for checked-in items.

Verify what items are checked-out in Alma.


Direct patron to communicate with lending library. See Directory for contact info.


Patron should contact lending library. See Directory for contact info.

AFN item is received with damage prior to patron taking possession -OR- patron returns item with damage.

Use form [still to be created] to describe the problem, pass on any patron information, and email the appropriate campus.

[if data is anonymized, who bears responsibility for the cost? traditionally: borrowing library. but since we’re “one library” is there even any sense in billing another institution for a replacement copy?]



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