Acknowledgement of Data Security Responsibilities under FERPA: Library Staff 

Acknowledgement of Data Security Responsibilities under FERPA: Library Staff 

DEPRECATED. REPLACED ON AUGUST 4, 2021 WITH THIS NEW ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Acknowledgment of Data Privacy and Security Responsibilities for Authorized Users of UC Alma Environments

Motivation. To facilitate central configuration and support for the Systemwide ILS (“SILS”), authorized University of California (“UC”) staff from member institutions may have logins to other member institutions’ Alma environments as well as the shared “Network Zone,” and may be assigned roles that allow access to data that is confidential or restricted by statute, regulation, or institutional policy. For the avoidance of doubt, the staff will treat all personal information and any other data within a member campus’ “institutional zone” (Institutional Data) as confidential during the implementation period.

Applicability. Every member of the UC staff accessing Institutional Data while working within the SILS project is required to acknowledge this document before their account is created.

Each staff member shall only use or access Institutional Data in accordance with, and only to the extent permissible under, this section.

  1. Each staff member shall comply with UC’s documented policies and procedures to prevent the unauthorized use, disclosure, loss, acquisition of, or access to, Institutional Data.

  2. Each staff member shall make reasonable efforts to prevent unauthorized access to or alteration or use of Institutional Data, and shall notify the member institution as soon as possible if they become aware of any unauthorized access, alteration or use.

  3. Each staff member agrees (i) to comply with all FERPA requirements governing the use and re-disclosure of Student Records; (ii) to keep Student Records confidential and not disclose Student Records to any third party; (iii) to only use Student Records for the sole purpose of performing their obligations under this Section; and (iv) to implement reasonable security measures to protect Student Records and, at a minimum, utilize industry standard security procedures. 

"Student Records" means Education Records and Directory Information, and any Personally Identifiable Information contained therein (each term as defined under FERPA). 

The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu