Acknowledgment of Data Privacy and Security Responsibilities for Authorized Users of UC Alma Environments

Acknowledgment of Data Privacy and Security Responsibilities for Authorized Users of UC Alma Environments

August 4, 2021, SILS Data Privacy Task Force

As part of your application for access to Alma at your location (your “Institutional Zone” or “Network Zone”), you must complete this acknowledgement.

Please read the following and acknowledge your agreement to abide by these responsibilities by checking the box below.

Authorized users of Alma within the University of California libraries (“Authorized Users”) may be assigned roles that allow access to data in Alma (“Institutional Information”) subject to law, UC policy, or contract, or that is otherwise confidential (“Confidential Information”). To facilitate central configuration and support for the Systemwide ILS (“SILS”), Authorized Users may also be given access to the shared Network Zone and/or logins permitting access to another UC library’s Institutional Zone and its Institutional Information.

Authorized Users must:

  1. Use or access Alma and Institutional Information solely for the purpose(s) for which they were granted access and no other.

  2. Comply with UC’s documented policies and procedures to prevent the unauthorized use, disclosure, loss, acquisition of, or access to, Institutional Data, including, but not limited to UC PACAOS-130: Policies Applying to the Disclosure of Information from Student Records, UC BFB IS-3: Electronic Information Security, and the UC Electronic Communications Policy. Contact your library’s Security Lead for information on these requirements or if you have questions about these policies.

    • For avoidance of doubt, Authorized Users must maintain the confidentiality of all Confidential Information, including during the implementation period.

  3. Follow the security notification protocol at their local campus if they become aware of any unauthorized access, alteration, or use of another UC library’s Institutional Zone and/or its Institutional Information.

Contact the Alma account administrator at your campus for the link to the acknowledgment form.


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