Team Charter

Team Charter


In the context of SILS, monitor the changing patron privacy and security landscape and provide guidance on patron privacy and security-related issues.


From SILS Patron Privacy and Data Security Team Charge

The SILS Leadership Group charges the SILS Patron Privacy and Data Security Team (PPDS) to monitor the changing patron privacy and security landscape in light of the UC Office of the President and other State of California privacy and security policies and guidelines relevant to the management of patron data in the Systemwide Integrated Library System (SILS). The PPDS considers and develops recommendations to be forwarded to the SILS Leadership Group for approval and adoption. With the establishment of the PPDS, the designated role of privacy officer transfers from the CDL SILS Service Manager to this standing SILS Patron Privacy and Data Security Team.

In alignment with the SILS Principles, the PPDS serves as the body where campus library or SILS staff, via their SILS Operations Team, Leadership Group, or DOC representative, can bring and raise SILS patron privacy and security-related issues for advice and guidance regarding the use of Alma and Analytics. The PPDS reviews the language of the Acknowledgement of Data Privacy and Security Responsibilities for Authorized Users of UC Alma Environments agreement annually and updates the agreement as required. The PDDS provides periodic updates to the SILS Leadership Group and on request from SILS LG. The PPDS will meet 4x a year, and on an ad-hoc basis as requests/needs/questions arise from the SILS cohort.



The Chair creates and distribute the agenda, tracks action items, and assists in planning the team's work and fulfilling the charge. In addition, the chair coordinates with other SILS groups and CDL as needed. Time commitment is approximately two additional hours a month.

Vice Chair

The Vice Chair stand-in for their team’s chair, in their absence, including sometimes attending other SILS group meetings. There is not a significant additional amount of time required.


The notetaker is primarily responsible for taking meeting notes. However, contribution and clarifications from the rest of the team are welcome.

What are our expectations for working together?

  • Use the Fist of Five for decision-making as needed. Otherwise “thumbs up” temperature check.

    • If an issue can’t be resolved or conflict arises, we would seek guidance from the Leadership Group.

  • If multiple people are talking, use Zoom’s hand-raise feature to get attention.

  • We have a 10 second rule before ending a topic of discussion.  If no comments, we move on to vote or next topic.

  • We will give as much time as possible for pre-digestion of prereads.

  • Meetings will be recorded and transcription will be enabled.

  • Since we’re only meeting monthly we’re going to keep moving forward with whoever is able to attend each month.

    • If someone can’t attend they can submit any pre-read thoughts ahead of time for the group to consider.

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