2024-02-02 LG Meeting notes

2024-02-02 LG Meeting notes


  • Robin Gustafson, UC Davis (Chair)

  • Lynne Grigsby, UC Berkeley (Past Chair)

  • Jackie Gosselar, UC Berkeley (SILS Operation Team Chair)

  • Tom Bustos, UC Merced (Vice Chair)

  • Todd Grappone, UC Los Angeles

  • Sarah Houghton, California Digital Library

  • Elizabeth Richey, UC Irvine

  • Darren Furey, UC Riverside

  • Kerry Scott, UC Santa Cruz

  • Anna Seiffert, UC Santa Barbara  

  • Aislinn Sotelo, UC San Diegio

  • Sarah Troy, UC Santa Cruz (DOC Liaison)

  • Staff: Melanie Poloff, UC Davis (Support Member) 



























Check-in about the SILS Patron Privacy and Data Security Project Team final report

20 minutes


SILS Patron Privacy and Data Security Project Team final report

Review recommendations and next steps for implementation


Rec 1 - Todd & Lynne: Recommendation good, regarding quarterly meeting

Lynne & Sarah H.: Someone with hands on Alma/Primo experience should be included on the group.

Rec 2 – Recommendation 1-2 could be merged. Can accept, but with revisions.

We recommend the group reports any security incidents to LG chair as they occur, and give LG periodic updates as appropriate and/or annual report.

Group should also review product release notes for any security issues.

Rec 3 - The CDL liaison needs working knowledge of data security, the system, and possible issues

Rec 4 - is accepted by SILS LG, but Appendix needs to have UCPath mentioned as additional site of data source before it’s published

Next steps for implementation:

#3: revise to have group chair attend as appropriate SILS OT meetings, and other project teams such as Named Accounts Project Team


Accept with revisions





Check-in on SILS quarterly newsletter

10 minutes

Elizabeth and Kerry

Question from Town Hall to address in newsletter: “Currently, all UCI items sent to SRLF are shown to public as UCLA holdings in UC Library Search. Is there a way to enhance the display?" – who best to provide answer on this?

Elizabeth presented the newsletter draft

Sarah H. answered the query from the Town Hall: the answer is No. Could get someone to more fully answer the question for the newsletter.

What is in progress now and highlight teams and projects ie share appendix of data privacy report after revision and “stay tuned for new privacy team” via SILS LG

Newsletter will be distributed to “SILS News” and encourage forwarding at local campus level

Elizabeth will work on a new draft for the next LG meeting




Check-in on Shared documentation for SILS

10 minutes

Robin, Tom, Sarah T.

Reminder about the context for discussion. Aislinn brought this forward as a topic at the 12-8-2023 LG meeting.


Context from Aislinn: “At UCSD (including SCP) we recently charged a group to review our cataloging and metadata policies and procedures documentation and we have decided that we would sunset our public site for this: https://tpot.ucsd.edu . The barriers of updating this information were too great and we’d naturally started to gravitate towards using our library confluence intranet site (LiSN) or Google docs instead. Moving forward we’re going to be using LiSN as our primary documentation hub and we may link to Google files from there if warranted, like for documents we may want to share out with other institutions. The big negative of sunsetting our TPOT site is that other institutions won’t find our documentation. in the past we’ve had a lot of use of the site by other institutions. In more recent years as our documentation became more outdated we have seen a decrease in this kind of traffic however. 

 We are looking to SILS to see if a shared documentation hub would be possible. It would be useful to see other campuses policies and procedures, which may help with harmonization and reduced workload for creating documentation.”


Questions to consider:

Do we already have something that can be fleshed out?

What types of documentation do we mean? What are we trying to capture?

Create a separate confluence page for local policies?







DOC update


Sarah Troy

No DOC update this week. DOC has not met since last LG meeting.






OT update

5-10 minutes

Jackie Gosselar

Operations Team

  • Met on 1/24

  • ELUNA and IGeLU advisory group update

    • Tamara (Tammy) Guziejka has agreed to represent UC but has not been notified/contacted

  • Gem requested feedback on Organization Unit Name Change before OT votes to make the change on prod

  • Tipasa Testing review for RSOST

    • Thoughts on Rapido from various campuses (question from Tom, related to renewal negotiation and possibly bundling products into the new contract)

  • Proposal for expanded NZ access is being revised/finessed together with Gem and Caitlin

  • Does LG still want information related to the kbase postmortem from UCSC?


  • Presented at Town Hall on 1/23!

  • Met on 1/30

  • The group would like Caitlin/Adriana through the Signature Success Program to address all of the issues shared by the OST chairs, without paring down the list of issues in the Issues/Themes document

  • Working on “cleaned up” version of the document to share externally with ExL






Named Accounts Project Team



1st meeting held 2/1 - reviewed charge and timeline. May submit timeline adjustment as we move forward.

Discussed Survey and started to outline questions.

Plan to meet every other week.







55 minutes







Parking Lot – things for us to keep an eye on

  • Alma Analytics Annual Statistics Project Team

  • Named Accounts Project Team

  • Data Privacy Project Team

  • SILS Governance Assessment - should we do this annually?

  • Operation Team favorite things

    • SILS Talks

    • Ethical and Inclusive Metadata Practices in UC Library Search Project Team

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