2023-05-12 LG Meeting notes
Lynne Grigsby, UC Berkeley (SILS Leadership Group Chair)
Robin Gustafson, UC Davis (SILS Leadership Group Vice-Chair)
Sarah Troy, UC Santa Cruz (DOC Liaison)
Tom Bustos, UC Merced (SILS Operations Team Chair) Absent
Todd Grappone, UC Los Angeles (Operations Team Liaison) Absent
Sarah Houghton, California Digital Library
Anna Seiffert, UC Santa Barbara
Aislinn Sotelo, UCSD
Staff: Celina Ivy, UC Davis (Support Member)
Meeting Recording | This meeting is NOT recorded |
Item | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions |
| |
1 | Welcome | 5 minutes | Lynne | Reminder: ExL meeting with CDL email from Caitlin: CDL has been contacted for a visit by Ex Libris, after ELUNA. Our meeting is scheduled for 5/15. We’d like to share a copy of our preparation notes, in case any other campuses will be getting visits and want to corroborate our issues. Also, to make sure that you are aware of what we will be emphasizing in our discussions.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/12saCd0cDa1pbaZ0aVDnKB72c4j5c1Z3L_MrSQ863VdY/edit |
2 | Alternatives to having support staff? | 10 minutes | Lynne |
3 | SILS Governance review | 20 minutes | Anna, Aislinn |
4 | DOC update | 5-10 minutes | Sarah Troy | DOC met on 5/2/23.
support member nominations
5 | OT update | 5-10 minutes | Tom Bustos |
6 |
| 55 minutes |
Parking Lot – things for us to keep an eye on
Alma Analytics Annual Statistics Project Team
Data Privacy Project Team
SILS Governance Assessment subgroup
Operation Team favorite things
SILS Talks
EIM Project Team (can someone update this with the official name?)
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The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
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