Charge: Leadership Group

Charge: Leadership Group

Updated Leadership Group Charge 2023 update


The SILS Leadership Group (SLG) reports directly to Direction and Oversight Committee (DOC) and is the high-level group responsible for leading the systemwide strategic direction for the SILS - both in its current iteration and involving future platforms and integrated technologies. As well, the group actively integrates the UC Libraries plans and priorities into SILS work and strategic directions, making course corrections as needed. The SILS Leadership Group provides oversight and direction to the SILS Operations Team and ensures decisions made throughout SILS governance and operations reinforce the UC Libraries core principles, including diversity, equity, inclusion, justice and belonging, a transformative level of integration and harmonization, and a cohesive, user-centered approach to services and collections.

Charge and core responsibilities

The SILS Leadership Group intentionally fosters teamwork and cohesiveness throughout the SILS structure, reaffirming the SILS principles and supporting the evolution of effective, shared work practices. The SILS Leadership Group is charged to focus on:

  1. Set strategic direction: Make recommendations to UC Libraries leadership (primarily DOC, but also Council of University Librarians (CoUL) as appropriate) about implementing new directions and the pursuit of new core products (e.g. replacements for Alma and Primo VE) when other sustainable technological approaches and solutions become available and more cost effective.

  2. Organizational priorities: Consult and partner with DOC on furthering UC Libraries organizational priorities related to SILS.

  3. Leadership/Oversight: Oversee the SILS Operations Team and assist with the development of strategic priorities for systemwide SILS operations, intentionally fostering teamwork and advancing the SILS principles throughout the SILS structure. Receive issues and requests from the Operations Team for decision-making. As needed, engage additional, high-level experts to address decision items and escalate pertinent topics and decision items to DOC.

  4. Vendor/partner engagement: Oversee strategic, high-level engagement with vendors and partners for current products and new or emerging solutions. (Communication and actions related to fiduciary responsibilities for the SILS contract sit with CDL.)

  5. New developments: Oversee planning specific to the development of business intelligence, privacy-related practices and policies, learning analytics and other applicable topics, to integrate into strategic planning, projects and decision-making.

  6. Assessment and structural change: Assess the UCLAS-integrated SILS structure and work practices in consultation with the Operations Team and in partnership with DOC. As needed, DOC and the SILS Leadership Group will implement structural changes.

  7. Project management/work plan: Develop and maintain a Leadership Group work plan, to identify priorities and a timeline for completing work; regularly review the work plans for SILS teams.


The SILS Leadership Group will partner with DOC to determine processes for filling SILS team/group rosters.

Similar to peer leadership groups within UCLAS, the SILS Leadership Group may form subgroups and time-limited teams, identifying expert assistance as needed.

Reporting line

The SILS Leadership Group reports to DOC. The DOC liaison to this group will provide regular updates to DOC and LG, in partnership with the SILS Leadership Group Chair.

Through DOC, the SILS Leadership Group will also escalate pertinent topics and decision items to the CoUL; such topics will include SILS costs, FTE, and proposals to seek a new vendor/technology or to develop new shared services.

Related groups

The group will consult with, engage, share information and collaborate with other UC Libraries entities, including:

  • DOC

  • Peer leadership groups within UCLAS

  • SILS Operations Team

  • CDL SILS Operation Center

Time commitment and expectations

The SILS Leadership Group will hold monthly or bi-monthly virtual meetings, with additional ad-hoc meetings as needed. Members are expected to commit an additional 2-5 hours of work per month, outside of meetings.

The campus and CDL members will serve term lengths as directed by their institutions, where the DOC liaison serves as directed by DOC, and the Operations Team Chair will serve a one-year term. This is an optionally-representative group. Roster selection is managed by DOC.

Roster and required expertise/membership

The SILS Leadership Group is comprised of senior library leaders (e.g. Departmental Director/Head, AUL or empowered local leader):

  • 5-10 campus members

  • CDL member

  • DOC liaison

  • Operations Team Chair

The SILS Leadership Group is also staffed by a support person (to take minutes and assist with meeting management).

The group’s chair and vice chair will be selected by the membership; this represents a two-year commitment (year 01 as vice chair, and year 02 as chair). The group will select one member to serve as the LG liaison to Operations Team for a one-year term.

A small steering committee to manage work, agendas and timelines, is composed of the chair, vice chair, and DOC liaison.

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