2023-01-23 LG SC Meeting notes
2023-01-23 LG SC Meeting notes
Lynne Grigsby, UC Berkeley (SILS Leadership Group Chair)
Robin Gustafson, UC Davis (SILS Leadership Group Vice-Chair)
Sarah Troy, UC Santa Cruz (DOC Liaison)
Staff: Celina Ivy, UC Davis (Support Member)
Item | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions |
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1 |
| SC to review Lynne’s blurb to send out |
| |
2 | Discuss proposal: Digital collection |
| Lynne met with Todd: Discuss small action for DC in digital library search. |
3 | Discussion on managing security incident |
4 | Agenda for 2/3 LG meeting |
5 |
6 |
, multiple selections available,
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