2023-02-17 LG Meeting notes
Lynne Grigsby, UC Berkeley (SILS Leadership Group Chair)
Robin Gustafson, UC Davis (SILS Leadership Group Vice-Chair)
Sarah Troy, UC Santa Cruz (DOC Liaison)
Tom Bustos, UC Merced (SILS Operations Team Chair)
Todd Grappone, UC Los Angeles (Operations Team Liaison)
Sarah Houghton, California Digital Library
Anna Seiffert, UC Santa Barbara (absent)
Aislinn Sotelo, UCSD (absent)
Staff: Celina Ivy, UC Davis (Support Member)
Meeting recording not available |
Item | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions |
| |
1 | Welcome | 5 minutes | Lynne |
2 | DOC would like to ask the UCLAS leadership groups to review this report, UC Libraries - Shared Service Opportunities 2020 | 20 minutes | All | Should we discuss reality? Discussion on where we are (staffing, licensing, cataloging, funds). Rethinking what it will take to make goals. Are the benefits still valid? Lynne to create first draft of key areas. |
3 | ILS landscape subgroup update | 5 minutes | Todd | Mid-contract update to DOC. Beginning a plan and will give group update when there is more to discuss. |
4 | Gov analysis subgroup update | 10 minutes | Aislinn, Anna | We had 67 responses to the survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1yYAZPr7nDMPsC2v0egRDA0eFxhi9qzcz7VEkOBctZ6I/edit#responses |
5 | DOC update | 5 minutes | Sarah Troy
| DOC met on 2/7/23 Putting together expectation guidelines for CoUL Liaison to DOC and for DOC Liaison to CoUL. UC Palace Project Team (reports to DOC) requests funds to cover trial instance of Palace app. DOC minutes not reliably being updated on DOC page. Sounds like it’s an issue with WordPress access for the DOC staffer. |
6 | OT update | 10 minutes | Tom Bustos |
7 |
| 55 minutes |
Parking Lot – things for us to keep an eye on
Alma Analytics Annual Statistics Project Team - Lynne will share after this month’s meeting.
Data Privacy Project Team - Lynne will check on deadline (extension originally requested).
SILS Governance Assessment subgroup
Operation Team favorite things
SILS Talks - Need clarification on how to set these up. Haven’t done a full cohort SILS talk other than the LG Town Halls.
EIM Project Team (can someone update this with the official name?) - This is the Equity and Inclusive Metadata Project Team (EIMPT)
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