2022-08-05 LG Meeting notes
Lynne Grigsby, UC Berkeley (SILS Leadership Group Chair)
Robin Gustafson, UC Davis (SILS Leadership Group Vice-Chair) (Absent)
Tom Bustos, UC Merced (SILS Operations Team Chair)
Todd Grappone, UC Los Angeles (Operations Team Liaison)
Sarah Houghton, California Digital Library (Absent)
Anna Seiffert, UC Santa Barbara
Aislinn Sotelo, UCSD
Sarah Troy, UC Santa Cruz (DOC Liaison)
Staff: Celina Ivy, UC Davis (Support Member)
Meeting Recording |
This meeting recording is available in the LG Google folder. Please see link. |
Item | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | Welcome/Hello | 5 minutes | Lynne Grigsby |
2 | Slack free plan retention changes (FYI) | 3 minutes | Lynne Grigsby | Slack is changing the way/duration messages are saved. Previously, free Slacks would show the last 10,000 messages and 5 GB worth of uploads. Moving forward it’ll be based on time rather than amount, with Slack showing the last 90 days of messages/uploads regardless of how much or how little is sent. |
3 | Gender Recognition and Lived Name Change Management Partnership | 5 minutes | Lynne Grigsby | At the request of the CoUL Steering Group, I am sharing the following message from Associate Vice Provost Amy Lee, re: the Gender Recognition and Lived Name policy (effective Nov. 2020, with full implementation set for no later than Dec. 2023). Please see below and attached. Please share with SILSLG to confirm that for any relevant display scenarios within/stemming from SILS, that patron data is properly reflecting gender and lived names, if applicable and where recorded in campus information systems. The policy states that where the legal name of university students, employees, alumni, and affiliates is different from the individual’s lived name, the legal name must not be published on documents or displayed in IT Resource Systems that do not require a person’s legal name. For the libraries/SILS, examples might include names or titles [e.g. Mr., Mrs., Ms., etc.] that are printed on receipts or displayed in any patron-facing UC Library Search interfaces, etc. If any issues with UC libraries ability to comply with this policy by December 2023 are identified, please let me know and I will escalate as appropriate. Otherwise, a confirmation of compliance or a timeline for being in compliance would be appreciated.
4 | Work plan task: ILS landscape monitoring | 15 minutes | Lynne Grigsby | Create space for tracking webinars, etc on wide view of landscape Determine HOW to monitor the ILS product landscape. Monitor the ILS product landscape, both traditional vendors and open source alternatives, with a view toward an ultimate future migration. Monitor project roadmap for Alma and Primo VE and other SILS |
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5 | SILS gov subgroup update | 5 minutes | Subgroup |
6 | DOC update | 5 minutes | Sarah Troy | DOC met on 8/2/22. A group is going to be charged to determine the process for turning on ETAS should the need arise for campuses in the future. Charge will come to DOC for review. I imagine there could be workflow implications for SILS groups. DOC is creating a visual guide for funding requests that come to DOC for approval. Want to make a transparent and simple process. DOC members provided feedback--once it is finalized ST will share with this group. DOC is thinking about having an emergency contact info/tree, in case any members have an emergency while we’re meeting. Sharing with this group in case we’d like to do the same. |
7 | OT update | 5-10 minutes | Tom Bustos | Updates on:
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| 50 minutes |
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