2022-09-30 LG Meeting notes
Lynne Grigsby, UC Berkeley (SILS Leadership Group Chair)
Robin Gustafson, UC Davis (SILS Leadership Group Vice-Chair), absent
Sarah Troy, UC Santa Cruz (DOC Liaison)
Tom Bustos, UC Merced (SILS Operations Team Chair)
Todd Grappone, UC Los Angeles (Operations Team Liaison), absent
Sarah Houghton, California Digital Library
Anna Seiffert, UC Santa Barbara
Aislinn Sotelo, UCSD
Staff: Celina Ivy, UC Davis (Support Member)
This meeting recording is available in the LG Google folder. Please see link. |
Item | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions |
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1 | Welcome | 5 minutes | Lynne |
2 | Townhall thoughts | 5 | Sarah H |
3 | 10 | Lynne | Review charge; LG Liaison? |
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4 | 10 | Lynne | My thoughts for us to move to next steps |
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5 | SILS gov subgroup | 5 | Aislinn and Anna |
6 | DOC update | 5-10 minutes | Sarah Troy | contacted DOC Steering Committee to request time on DOC’s 11/15/22 agenda for the SILS governance structure assessment conversation. let them know that we’d share the draft tool with DOC Steering on Friday, 11/4 (ahead of their November 8 agenda planning meeting) shared the draft agenda for the statistics charge to DOC on 9/22, told them feedback is welcome now or after CoUL’s input has been incorporated following the 10/3-4 CoUL discussion |
7 | OT update | 5-10 minutes | Tom Bustos | Operations Team is focusing on feedback from project team check-in responses. Also sending similar check-in templates to the sub-teams. |
8 |
| 55 minutes |
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