2024-03-01 LG Meeting notes
Robin Gustafson, UC Davis (Chair)
Lynne Grigsby, UC Berkeley (Past Chair)
Jackie Gosselar, UC Berkeley (SILS Operation Team Chair)
Tom Bustos, UC Merced (Vice Chair)
Todd Grappone, UC Los Angeles
Sarah Houghton, California Digital Library
Elizabeth Richey, UC Irvine
Darren Furey, UC Riverside
Kerry Scott, UC Santa Cruz
Anna Seiffert, UC Santa Barbara
Aislinn Sotelo, UC San Diego
Sarah Troy, UC Santa Cruz (DOC Liaison) - absent
Staff: Melanie Poloff, UC Davis (Support Member) - absent
Item | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions |
| |
1 | Welcome |
| Robin |
2 | Check-in about SILS quarterly newsletter |
| Kerry and Elizabeth | Elizabeth will add the link to Appendix A “Shared Governance and Privacy Guidelines for UC Libraries Staff” with some context to the draft newsletter Kerry workshopping a paragraph about the RLF question Plan is to send newsletter out after Spring quarter ends
3 | Check-in about best practices for trials/pilots |
| Robin | Kerry confirmed the communication structure/pathways between CDL and SILS structure for trials/pilots. Please note: with this confirmation, LG is withdrawing the ask we had out to OT for best practices. |
4 | Next steps in discussion around Shared documentation for SILS |
| Robin | Determine who can be point to determine what is needed and what the options are. What do we need right now? Where do we put this in LG’s workplan timeline? This will depend on what we hear from people and understand the needs. Next steps: Aislinn will do an inventory of what’s out there now. We can always point to what’s out there now, and if more is needed for a local documentation space then we can have a bigger discussion, and figure out where to place it on LG’s workplan/timeline. |
5 | Brief update on “to dos” regarding SILS Patron Privacy and Data Security Project Team |
| Robin | Robin and Darren meeting next week to begin drafting a charge for standing data privacy team Appendix A is published on top level Confluence wiki under Shared Governance and Privacy Guidelines for UC Libraries Staff Gem at CDL is working on the disbanding procedures for the project team |
6 | Common Knowledge Groups (CKGs) | 15-20 minutes |
| Context: The role of CKGs within the UCLAS structure is coming up in multiple venues.
Background: Common Knowledge Groups were launched in 2013, as part of a larger overhaul of the UCLAS structure. CKGs were originally described as: self-organizing groups of experts or pioneers in areas of interest to the University of California Libraries. The intention of CKGs is to foster innovation by providing a venue for staff across campuses and from various levels to exchange ideas and collaborate on systemwide initiatives at the “Service Envisioning '' stage. It is at this stage that new ideas for new services or improvements to existing services are generated and shared. Around 2015/2016 the UCLAS structure was revamped (which is when DOC was formed), and at that time Bibliographer Groups were morphed into CKGs as well. CKGs were not originally envisioned as bodies that would perform or create significant (or any?) work output. Over time, however, the UCLAS structure has grown, UCLAS membership has (and continues to) evolve, and as a result it may be time to revisit the role and expectations for CKGs. Next steps: Todd/Sarah H. will take questions raised around CKGs to DOC steering as a first step.
7 | DOC update | 5-10 minutes | Sarah Troy | Direction & Oversight Committee
8 | OT update | 5-10 minutes | Jackie Gosselar |
Primo accessibility team update
9 |
10 |
| 55 minutes |
Parking Lot – things for us to keep an eye on
Alma Analytics Annual Statistics Project Team
Named Accounts Project Team
Data Privacy Project Team
SILS Governance Assessment - should we do this annually?
Operation Team favorite things
SILS Talks
Ethical and Inclusive Metadata Practices in UC Library Search Project Team
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The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
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