2023-04-28 LG Meeting Notes

2023-04-28 LG Meeting Notes


  • Lynne Grigsby, UC Berkeley (SILS Leadership Group Chair)

  • Robin Gustafson, UC Davis (SILS Leadership Group Vice-Chair)

  • Sarah Troy, UC Santa Cruz (DOC Liaison)

  • Tom Bustos, UC Merced (SILS Operations Team Chair)

  • Todd Grappone, UC Los Angeles (Operations Team Liaison)

  • Sarah Houghton, California Digital Library

  • Anna Seiffert, UC Santa Barbara  

  • Aislinn Sotelo, UCSD

  • Staff: Celina Ivy, UC Davis (Support Member)  

Meeting Recording

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Meeting Recording

This meeting is NOT recorded


















– 6/23 meeting cancelled due to Robin, Lynne, and Sarah T being out

– 7/7 – who will be out that week?








Per last meeting; looking for LG member of upcoming OT transition team




  • Todd will step in as LG member of upcoming OT transition team.




Data Privacy preliminary report review



Anything LG wants to share with group so they can make changes before the final report.





LG membership rotation –”which campus and CDL members, including the Support Member are willing to continue for the full 3 years” (LG Kickoff slides)



The campus and CDL members will serve staggered three-year terms, where the DOC liaison and Operations Team Chair will serve one-year terms. For the initial members, some will serve shorter or longer terms to enable staggered terms moving forward and to align all terms with a July 01 changeover. As a non-representative group, roster selection and rotation is managed by DOC and will ensure that all campuses have an opportunity to serve over time.

From: https://libraries.universityofcalifornia.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/SILS_UCLASintegrated_06232021_Final.pdf Page

SILS LG roster: to keep track of historical membership

  • Discussion on transitions and membership rotation.




SILS Governance Survey


Anna, Aislinn


  • Getting closer to finalize draft and discussion to find the right timing to talk to Doc Liaison.

  • Will try to time discussion with Doc meetings in May 16th and June 6th.

  • Draft will be sent to LG for review by Monday, June 8th.




Contract negotiation sub-team


Sarah H

discuss forming a contract negotiation sub-team. We are at our committed 3 year term (from go-live) in July 2024 and have optional 2 year renewals if we want to take advantage of them. While July 2024 is over a year away I think it would be good to start discussions internally, including tracking where we feel Ex Libris is falling down.

  • Contact with Ex Libris expires 2024.

  • Maybe use the time to create negotiation task force from LG.

  • Will be helpful to find areas and issues we want to discuss with Ex Libris. Including negotiating better service.

  • Initial membership: CoUL member (TBD), Tom Bustos, Liz Miraglia, Aislinn Sotelo, Sarah Houghton, Anna Seiffert, Josh Gomez, Caitlin Nelson




DOC update

5-10 minutes

Sarah Troy

  • Met on 4/18/23

  • DOC is forming 3 subgroups to focus on specific areas of work that we’ve identified as near term priorities:

  • Shared Services – This subgroup will review shared service frameworks currently in place from DOC’s documentation with an eye toward revisions. This subgroup will also outline ideas for further exploration given DOC discussions with CoUL in the past two years and feedback from the Leadership Groups.

  • DOC Funding Allocations – This subgroup will prepare a proposal for CoUL to expand funding under DOC’s purview by building out broader scope criteria for such funds, a process for accessing funds (beyond trainings) which includes metrics for evaluation and pathways for completing pilots/projects or progressing pilots to next stages of scalable implementation. 

  • DOC Liaison Roles and Responsibilities – This subgroup will review current documentation and draft revisions that incorporate new liaison role to Leadership Groups, CoUL, etc. Updated documentation will include core components such as communication expectations, as well as nuanced components as appropriate as well as missing details such as term dates.

  • Call sent out for a new LG support member.




OT update

5-10 minutes

Tom Bustos

  • OT will be voting on the upcoming reindexing and our request to add CJK search support (HK TSVCC).

    We did not get sufficient assurances to feel confident that this will be as successful as we would like. However, given the need and the circumstances around the process for adding CJK, the RMOST recommended that we move forward with adding the support to production in the May/July reindexing.

  • OT will also be discussing the Recommendation from Fulfillment OST on use of AFN consortial blocks: UC AFN Consortia Blocks






55 minutes







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