UC AFN Consortia Blocks

UC AFN Consortia Blocks

See Best Practices for Decision Pages and Tags for groups

Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided




Recommendation on use of AFN consortial blocks

Decision summary

Automated placement and removal of blocks is essential to the implementation of consortial blocking. Without automation, this process is not manageable and the UCs agree we cannot move forward. Next steps would be to see if Ex Libris can create automation for applying and removal of consortial blocks. If Ex Libris is unable to assist with automation, we recommend a new project team be formed to investigate how these blocks could be applied and removed automatically.

Owning group

Fulfillment OST & Resource Sharing OST (sils-ffrs-l@listserv.ucop.edu)


Fulfillment OST & Resource Sharing OST


ILL CKG (CKG-ILL-L [@] listserv.ucop.edu);
Local SILS Teams;
Discovery OST (SILS-DISCOVERY-L [@] listserv.ucop.edu) ;
SILS OT (SILS-OT-L [@] listserv.ucop.edu),
SILS Operations Center (SILS-sysops [@] cdlib.org);
CDL Resource Sharing Team (SILS-sysops [@] cdlib.org )


SILS All Chairs Groups; SILS-Cohort (SILS-Cohort-L@ucop.edu)

Decision-making process

Fist of five; Subgroup authored decision page, gathered & incorporated feedback from larger OST & consulted groups; RS & F OST voted separately

Result of F OST vote:

  • @Mark Marrow (UC Berkeley) - 5

  • @Tony Navarro (UC Davis) -5

  • @Lai Arakawa (UC Irvine) - 5

  • @Sandra Farfan-Gracia (UC Los Angeles, Vice-Chair) - 5

  • @Ross Anastos (UC Merced, Chair) - 5

  • @Sahra Klawitter (UC Riverside) - 5

  • @Mogilner Chamberlin, Ingred (UC San Diego) - 5

  • @Eric.peterson (UC San Francisco) - 5

  • @Marti Kallal (UC Santa Barbara) - 5

  • @Nicole Thomas (UC Santa Cruz) - 5

  • @Alison Ray (CDL) (CDL) - 5

Result of RS OST vote:

  • @Kristen Van Vliet , UC Berkeley 5

  • @Jason Newborn , UC Davis (vice chair) 4

  • @Amador, Alicia , UC Los Angeles 5

  • @Demitra Borrero , UC Merced 5

  • @Sabrina Simmons , UC Riverside 5

  • @Scott Hathaway , UC Santa Barbara 4

  • @Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) , UC Santa Cruz, 5

  • @Peter Devine , UC San Diego 5

  • @Ryan White , UC San Francisco 5

  • @Linda Michelle Weinberger , UC Irvine 5

  • @Alison Ray (CDL) , CDL 5
    Next steps, two remaining meetings for current group and then transition toward planning



Target decision date


Date decided

Jun 12, 2023

[type // to add Date] You must add a date field for it to sort properly. It will not sort if you simply type the date.

The date the Approver approves the decision.


Executive Summary

Patrons are given a false expectation that they have access to material through a Resource Sharing request (UC and/or Non-UC) at the time of requesting, only to discover they have a block at the point of patron checkout (at the final step of the resource sharing process). This is a change in behavior from pre-SILS Resource Sharing where users with blocks could not initiate Interlibrary Loan requests.

We recommend blocking delinquent patrons from making an AFN request in UC Library Search at the initiation point of requesting the material AND NOT the end point of checking out the loan. To do so, we are requesting that:

1. Ex Libris add to all UC Alma IZ instances the options for a consortial 04 block which prevents AFN requesting in UC Library Search, and a 05 consortial block which prevents AFN requesting and local loans, renewals, and holds.

2. Ex Libris create automation for applying and removing 04 blocks across UC consortium. UCs want to maintain the flexibility for not automatically placing the more restrictive 05 blocks on some user records.

3. UCs implement a consistent display in UC Library Search when request is unavailable due to block.

4. Defer cash limit block harmonization decisions to the SILS Fulfillment Group.

If Ex Libris is unable to assist with automation, we recommend a new project team be formed to investigate how these blocks could be applied and removed automatically - for instance using Analytics or UC would develop a service using Ex Libris API(s).

Automated placement and removal of blocks is essential to the implementation of consortial blocking. Without automation, this process is not manageable and the UCs agree not to move forward with the recommendations.

Problem Statement

Patrons are given a false expectation that they have access to material through a Resource Sharing request (UC and/or Non-UC) at time of requesting, only to discover they have a block at the point of checkout (at the final step of the resource sharing process). This is a change in behavior from pre-SILS Resource Sharing where users with blocks could not initiate Interlibrary Loan requests.

From a Resource Sharing perspective, once a patron is sufficiently delinquent to be blocked from acquiring materials from one UC, they should be blocked from acquiring materials from ALL UCs until their account is cleared up. As a consortium, patrons should have the same expectations of services (including suspension of privileges) across the UCs. Patrons should not be given inaccurate information or false expectations that they have access to material through an Interlibrary Loan/AFN request when they are ultimately going to be blocked at the point of checkout.

These issues were not present in the pre-SILS era of Resource Sharing, as a block on a patron’s home campus account prevented them from making any and all Resource Sharing requests until they cleared up their delinquencies.


The best way to close the Resource Sharing loopholes mentioned above is to block the delinquent patron from making an AFN request in UC Library Search at the initiation point of requesting the material AND NOT the end point of checking out the loan. This would be similar to what occurred in the pre-SILS era which blocked delinquent patrons from making Resource Sharing requests at their home campus quite efficiently.

This could to be done by implementing the following specific recommendations:

1. Create AFN consortial blocks 04 and 05 for all UCs

Request that Ex Libris add a 04 and 05 Blocked Action option for all UCs in the Fulfillment User Block Definitions table in Alma configuration (Option 3 in Options Considered table below).

Consortial blocks 04 & 05 currently are only available at two campuses (UCLA & UCB), though they are not actively being used by those UCs.

The Billing cycle varies at each UC , but the AFN block should be applied at the patron’s home campus at the time the AFN bill is generated and removed at the home campus at the point the AFN bill is paid.

There needs to be a point in the resource sharing loan process where a consistent delinquency threshold is reached to necessitate the placing of a consortial 04 or 05 block on the patron’s home library account, and a resolution point to take it off.

2. Automation of placing and removal of blocks


Automated placement and removal of blocks is essential to the implementation of consortial blocking. Without automation, this process is not manageable and the UCs agree not to move forward.

Request that Ex Libris create automation for applying and removing 04 block across UCs.

UCs need to maintain the flexibility for not automatically placing the more restrictive 05 blocks on some user records, so automation of placement and removal of the 04 block is what is recommended. UCs would have the option to change those to 05 blocks as appropriate.

A consistent criteria in Alma must be identified to determine when a patron’s record should be blocked and unblocked. It is beyond the scope of this subgroup to get into any details or lengthy analysis of how this may be accomplished and this would have to be deferred to other future SILS teams or subgroups.

Make automation happen with UC resources


If Ex Libris is unable to assist with automation, we recommend a new project team be formed to investigate how these blocks could be applied and removed automatically - for instance using Analytics or UC would develop a service using Ex Libris API(s).

3. Display of blocked request message in UC Library Search

Configure UC Library Search to display a message when requesting is unavailable due to block.


Users should encounter a message when they are blocked from requesting in UC Library Search.


Harmonize language displayed in UC Library Search when request is unavailable due to block.

A consistent message display in UC Library Search should inform the patron why they cannot place their resource sharing request when a consortial block is applied to their account and whom to contact for further questions.


4. Defer cash limit block harmonization:

Defer cash limit block harmonization decisions to the SILS Fulfillment Group.

It has been determined that cash limit block harmonization among the UCs is difficult at best and not actually pertinent to the potential use of AFN consortial blocks across the UCs. Each UC may continue with their own costs and place the block at the time an AFN bill is generated. The issue of potential harmonization decisions of cash limit blocks has been deferred to and is in the purview of the SILS Fulfillment OST.


Stakeholder group


Stakeholder group


Resource Sharing OST

Planning, investigation, adjustments to configuration, ongoing testing and monitoring of process.

Fulfillment OST

Planning, investigation, adjustments to configuration, ongoing testing and monitoring of process.


Adjustments to IZ configurations; coordinating resources for automation project

All UC Library Resource Sharing Staff

Greater coordination between ILL and Circulation in investigating blocked accounts, as well as increased communication with patrons regarding local blocks and/or referrals to billing staff at other UCs.

All UC Library Circulation Staff

Greater coordination between Circulation and ILL in investigating blocked accounts, as well as increased communication with patrons regarding local blocks and/or referrals to billing staff at other UCs.

SILS Operations Center at CDL

May need to support an automation project.


Must become aware that suspension of privileges due to fines/fees are applied across the UC System. Must work directly with each UC to resolve library account blocks. UC-wide blocks creates a consistent user experience.


Placing a consortial block on a patron’s record at their home campus will block them from making any AFN requests in UC Library Search, similar to how it did in the pre-SILS Resource Sharing era. This also pushes the blocking dynamic to the initiation point of the Resource Sharing request, where it makes more sense, and not the end point of checkout which can lead to false expectations and frustration for the patron.

Consortial blocks will optimize operational efficiency for UC Libraries staff while providing a better customer service experience for patrons, as they will be able to request and receive materials they are truly eligible for.

As a consortium, patrons should have the same expectation of services (including suspension of privileges) across the UCs. Patrons should not be given inaccurate information that they have access to material through request when they are blocked at the point of loan. Additionally, library collections throughout the UC should be considered equally important. Thus, when a user is delinquent at one UC, they should be blocked across all UCs. When a user has outstanding material from one UC, they are impacting the availability of the material to users throughout the UC System.

All UCs should have the tools necessary to block patrons in Alma in a consistent manner (i.e. 04 & 05 manual blocks). We are recommending pursuing option 3 below (use 04 and 05 blocks) as this provides the most flexibility for each UC campus to balance their local policies with AFN request blocking.

Additionally, because cash blocks do not prevent AFN requesting, it would be useful for the lender to be made aware of these blocks prior to paging. Cash limit blocks can be configured to display on paging slips (see example - cohort only), allowing staff to make decisions about whether the request should be paged or cancelled.


Following implementation of SILS, it was discovered that patrons with cash limit or manual blocks on their library account could place AFN requests through UC Library Search, only to be blocked at the point of checkout.

Alma allows for patron account blocks through both cash limits and manual blocks. Manual block options available to all UCs are:

  • 01 – loan

  • 02 – loan, renew

  • 03 – loan, renew, hold

Additionally, Ex Libris has created two consortial blocks for UC as follows:

  • 04 - AFN request

  • 05 - AFN request, loan, renew, hold

Currently, there is no consistency across UCs in cash limit amounts or how they are applied. Additionally, consortial blocks 04 & 05 are only available at two campuses (UCLA & UCB). There’s no UC-wide policy on the use of consortial blocks.

Cash blocks are the first type of block to be incurred by the patron for overdue material and are only impacted locally. Though cash blocks prevent loan of material, it does not prevent requesting through UC Library Search.

Existing Alma functionality allows for manual user blocks 04 and 05 to apply to the home campus and push out to other UCs. 04 & 05 blocks at other UCs do not push back to the home campus, as per Ex Libris documentation. This lack of communication between UCs prevents a comprehensive methodology for effectively blocking patrons between all UC campuses. For example, a borrowing patron has a manual or cash limit block on their Network stub record at another UC, they are not currently blocked from placing new AFN requests from that UC. The requested item would be sent from the lending UC to the pick up location without any indication of a problem. It is not until the actual checkout phase that library staff would be alerted of the delinquency account block, preventing the loan. Additionally, though the patron is blocked from checking out AFN or walk-in materials from the UC with the block, they can still make AFN and walk in requests from the other eight UCs with impunity. This also applies to patrons with manual or cash limit blocks on their local home accounts. Currently, local delinquencies do not block patrons from making AFN requests through UC Library Search, though the patron will still be blocked from checking out the UC material at their home campus.

A subgroup consisting of members from the Resource Sharing OST and Fulfillment OST identified current Alma configurations for Cash Limit and Manual Blocks (cohort only) across all UCs, as well as performed extensive testing to evaluate current behavior and impact of cash limit and manual 04 & 05 blocks. Results of testing are summarized in the chart below.


Block Types - Record Location


Cash Limit

Manual 04 Block

Manual 05 Block

Transaction Type







Local Request







AFN Request







Local Loan







AFN Loan


Allowed, except for blocked location


Allowed, except for blocked location


Allowed, except for blocked location


Options Considered


Option 1

Option 2



Option 1

Option 2



No Consortial Blocks

Only 05 Blocks

04 and/or 05 Block Options with local decision on use


  • User can access consortial collection through request and direct loan (walk in) regardless of local blocks

  • Less work for library staff in managing blocks on user accounts

  • Prevents users from requesting material through UC Library Search if blocked

  • Encourages patrons to resolve overdue/billing issues in order to reinstate privileges

  • Reinforces the concept of one library, one UC

  • Encourages responsible borrowing practices

  • Prevents users from requesting material through UC Library Search if blocked

  • Encourages patrons to resolve overdue/billing issues in order to reinstate privileges

  • Reinforces the concept of one library, one UC

  • Allows each UC campus more flexibility in applying local policy (e.g. patrons can continue to loan locally, but may be blocked from AFN requests)

  • Encourages responsible borrowing practices


  • No incentive for patrons to resolve overdue or billing issues between campuses

  • Limits availability of material to other patrons if items are outstanding and not addressed

  • Continued patron frustration over inability to loan requested material due to local blocks

  • Less flexibility to allow for exceptions

  • More difficult to apply local policy (e.g., faculty are not blocked at many UCs)

  • More work for library staff in managing blocks on user accounts

  • Adjustment period for patrons to understand a new resolution process

  • More work for library staff in managing blocks on user accounts

  • Adjustment period for patrons to understand a new resolution process


Creating an automated process for applying blocks across the consortium is dependent on Ex Libris' ability for development. If Ex Libris is unable to assist with automation, a new project team would have to be formed to investigate how these blocks could be applied and removed automatically. Automated placement and removal of blocks is essential to the implementation of consortial blocking. Without automation, this process is not manageable and the UCs agree we cannot move forward.

Questions to consider

  1. Is it reasonable to have the home campus block users when there are billing issues at other UCs?

Yes, but the mechanism for applying and removing blocks will need to be determined. 

2. Is it feasible for UCs to manually place and remove 04 & 05 Blocks or is automation required?

A major concern of Interlibrary Loan (Resource Sharing) and Circulation units is having to manually place and remove consortial 04 and 05 blocks from patron records. It would be time-consuming for some campuses, there may not be staff available to routinely do this at some institutions, it is open to potential mistakes, and removal of blocks may not always be accomplished in a timely fashion when AFN bills are resolved. Automated placement and removal of blocks is essential to the implementation of consortial blocking.

3. What consistent criteria in Alma must be identified to determine when a patron’s record should be blocked and unblocked?

The obvious choice of accrued fines cannot be used, as some UCs immediately send fines to their bursar to be handled, quickly zeroing out the fines in their Alma. Analytics or Fulfillment Sets may potentially be used to determine the criteria for automatically applying and removing blocks.

4. How will the UCs determine when to use the 04 versus the 05 block?

Placing an 05 consortial block on a patron’s record at their home campus will not only block them from making an AFN request in UC Library Search, but will also block them from making loans, renewals and holds for local materials at their home campus. The 04 block will allow UCs the flexibility to block resource sharing requests but still enable the patron to checkout, renew and place holds on their local library materials. By utilizing the 04 block, local checkout policies won’t clash with a potential harmonized resource sharing blocking strategy. For example, a UC may prefer to place an 04 consortial block on a faculty member with a delinquent resource sharing item, but still enable them to make transactions for locally owned material at their home campus. Conversely, a UC may wish to place an 05 block on a non-faculty patron who is delinquent with both resource sharing and local items and/or has a large amount of overdue/lost book fines.

5. Can Ex Libris develop the ability for blocks on a stub record to push back to the home campus user record?   

We would like to have stub to home records automatically apply 04 blocks, as well as automatically remove 04 blocks, unless there is another UC with a problem for that patron.

6. How could we close the loophole for staff created manual requests in external brokering ILL systems?

Testing would need to be performed to identify block options.


Action Log

Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



Sent out to Subgroup members for review and additional Feedback. (Sahra/Linda Michelle)

January 5, 2023

Jan 19, 2023

Review period extended to January 19, 2023 meeting for finalization.


feedback from F OST & RS OST

(approved by unanimous “5” fist of five vote)

February 10, 2023

Sahra & Linda to ask for feedback discussion on fulfillment OST & Resource Sharing OST (sils-ffrs-l@listserv.ucop.edu); & to bring discussion to larger OST for discussion


Discussion on Feedback from F OST and RS OST to take place at Thursday, February 16, 2023 subgroup meeting

February 16, 2023

The potential for automating the placing/removing of AFN blocks and what is possible/what isn’t is key to determining the trajectory of how we proceed with further consortial blocking discussions and recommendations. A meeting with Ex Libris to discuss this is advisable and desirable by all before proceeding further with the decision page.


Sahra and Linda Michelle will put in a Salesforce case to arrange a meeting between Ex Libris and our subgroup to discuss potential automation of AFN Blocking and related issues.

February 21, 2023



subgroup will meet to discuss what issues and points we want to discuss at the upcoming meeting with Ex Libris as the joint meeting date between our subgroup and ExL is finalized

March 2, 2023



subgroup incorporates feedback from larger OSTs and Ex Libris meeting into decision page

March 20 - April 18, 2023



feedback from consulting groups

April 27 - May 15, 2023

feedback from consulting & approver groups due May 15; subgroup discusses on May 25


subgroup incorporates feedback into decision page

May 25, 2023



final decision vote from F OST & RS OST

Jun 9, 2023

each OST votes and records votes in the decision making process section of the table


subgroup post-vote wrap up meeting

Jun 22, 2023

Next steps (implementation plan); postmortem


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