2022-04-29 -LG Meeting notes

2022-04-29 -LG Meeting notes


  • Lynne Grigsby, UC Berkeley (SILS Leadership Group Chair)

  • Robin Gustafson, UC Davis (SILS Leadership Group Vice-Chair)

  • Tom Bustos, UC Merced (SILS Operations Team Chair)

  • Todd Grappone, UC Los Angeles (Operations Team Liaison)

  • Sarah Houghton, California Digital Library

  • Anna Seiffert, UC Santa Barbara  

  • Aislinn Sotelo, UCSD

  • Sarah Troy, UC Santa Cruz (DOC Liaison)

  • Staff: Celina Ivy, UC Davis (Support Member)  

Meeting Recording



Meeting Recording



This meeting recording is available in the LG Google folder. Please see link.

















5 minutes

Lynne Grigsby





Slack & Adding CDL Service Manager

5 minutes

Lynne Grigsby

Need a vote to add CDL Service Manager to LG Slack channel

LG votes yes



DOC debrief: Reviewing Sarah Troy’s notes

15 minutes

Sarah T

  • DOC Debrief: Going through the notes

    • Discussion on Sarah’s notes: 

      • 1) Look through notes to figure out if anything is missing

      • 2) Decide if LG wants to move any topics over to WP

    • Areas for LG to consider:

      • SILS potential (futuristic things, data analytics, shared efficiencies, etc)

      • Discussion on analytics

      • Access to NZ

      • RLF issues

      • Foster continued communication from the last phase - will Town Hall help?

    • Areas for DOC to consider:

      • DOC identifying ideal venues for communication. Discussion on DOC keeping everyone connected?

    • Areas for SILS LG, DOC, OT, CDL/OC (?) to consider

      • Best way for communication b/w groups specifically LG and DOC

      • Communication plan to ensure communication and collaboration is maintained between groups

      • Discussion on developing cohesion between DOC and LG (viewed as tightly coordinated)

      • Allow time for the governance structure, the processes, and the model time to succeed

      • Shared services (+OT)

      • Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion for ongoing SILS governance structure to make progress on EDI efforts (+OT)

      • Metadata and alma functionality (+OT)

  • The expectation is that the LG will reach out to DOC when the need/ issues arise

  • Please see Sarah’s notes

  • Next SC add to agenda. Start to create draft for WP.

  • Sarah T wants to hear more from LG about communication between DOC and LG.


Debrief of OARMPT

10 minutes

Tom, Sarah T





10 minutes

Aislinn, Tom

Notes on a possible town hall agenda (and questions to be answered)… https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rIuzlJWTP84GsBy2-RkYvX3_ljVDp974R89ev4IAV3E/edit




DOC update

5 minutes

Sarah T

DOC topics covered in agenda items above




OT update

5-10 minutes


SILS CDL Shared Collections in the Network Zone Project Team: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ltdwLhyyH6tvMTIgDST7UEr1q61CIWysfxaR7VLALig/edit?usp=sharing Heading to O.T. for vote and launch.

O.T. putting together an Analytics Write-up

OARMPT: to be voted on and launch next meeting.

Past Chair role in OT. Current role with Todd will work well. However, questions about future years.





55 minutes






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