Work Plan: Archive

Work Plan: Archive



Major Tasks

Due Dates

Status Updates



Primo VE response time 


Review ExLibris provided response time reports

Quarterly check ins


Provided reports are within what is stated in the SLA 

Project co-chairs, Günter & Chris worked closely with Ex Libris to monitor response time for Primo VE. They met with Melissa Hilbert regularly to discuss it. Currently, response time for Primo VE is within the SLA stated times but Ex Libris has agreed to continue working with UC to see if improvements can be made. Both OT & LG

Communications Tools for SILS


Keep aware of the UCL Collaborative Work Tools Report


Waiting on UCL Collaborative Work Tools report

ST checked in with DOC Liaison to this project team:

We are at a midpoint of our work, and should have a finalized “Phase I” report to offer that covers broadly the user requirements for collaborative works tools. This report aggregates responses from surveys and our focus group conversations. That will be shared with DOC for feedback. We are currently planning our remaining work; “phase II”. This will be a statement on recommended tools, and factors that would contribute to governance, support, cost and management. We have a working document underway for those parts of the charge, and we are determining how much input and in what form we require to address them. In all our work, per our charge, we are keeping in mind the mandate to support SILS with continuity and sustainability.


UC Libraries Collaborative Work Tools Project Team (Charge is here)

Data Privacy 


Subteam charged and report due December 2022

December 2022

Final report being reviewed before being shared with SILS LG

Draft report completed


Assessment of SILS Governance structure


Determine methodology to assess the UCLAS-integrated SILS structure and work practices, in consultation with OT and in partnership with DOC,

LG in partnership with DOC and in active consultation with OT and op subteams, will complete an assessment to determine if the op subteams should transition to another membership model

Partner with DOC to determine processes for filling SILS team/rosters in the future

18-months after launch (June 2023) 



From Charge 

Charge Project Team for EDI in the SILS




EIMPPT meeting minutes are here

Work plan is here


Ethical and Inclusive Metadata Practices in UC Library Search Project Team charge

Communication, including SILS Town Hall 


Hold first town call in June

Determine scheduling of additional town halls

 Determine additional communication needs (e.g., dispatches) and which group should lead them. 



First Town hall held 

Planned schedule for future town halls

Communication plan written and shared with SILS

how best to keep up the kind of communication that was created in the last phase

share good news, when we make progress and when we have success

knowing who to include in which communications

ILS landscape monitoring


Create space for tracking webinars, etc on wide view of landscape

Determine HOW to monitor the ILS product landscape. 

Monitor the ILS product landscape, both traditional vendors and open source alternatives, with a view toward an ultimate future migration. 

Monitor project roadmap for Alma and Primo VE and other SILS-adjacent Ex Libris products.

Continuous, with Quarterly review


Space created for sharing across SILS cohort


Link to the tracking document

Care of the SILS Cohort and workers


Make sure pathway(s) for sharing ideas is identified/understood/clear.




Ensuring that we can assist with problems or crises (real or perceived) throughout the cohort. Ensuring workloads and timelines are reasonable, staff feel supported and have the opportunity to provide feedback on how things are going. 


Care of SILS project 


Determine how we can leverage investment in SILS for other things



A plan on how to do this 

SILS LG is not just a UC version of ELUNA, it’s governing a shared ILS, thinking about how we manage these processes for other uses and other technologies, 

Manage concerns on access to NZ, analytics, shared services, and RLF concerns.

How do we encourage people to think systemwide--it's not only about local services anymore, we now have to be thinking about systemwide services. This may be a change management issue that we need to address systemwide.



Stay abreast of work being done by OT on producing 2022 annual stats for ARL, UCOP, & ACRL. 

Develop plan on how to keep this on ExLibris’ radar as a critical issue to UC





This is, and likely will continue to be, an issue we need to address locally and review/systemwide. With significant problems currently, this should be on our continuing radar.


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The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu