Ethical and Inclusive Metadata Practices in UC Library Search Project Team Home


Group Purpose

The Ethical and Inclusive Metadata Practices Team explores and documents ways to make our catalogs and discovery systems inclusive and welcoming to our communities.

Group Membership

  • @Catherine Busselen (UCSB), Co-Chair 2023

  • @Marcia Barrett (UCSC), Co-Chair 2023-2024

  • @Claudia Conrad (CDL), 2023

  • @Ryan Finnerty (UCSD)

  • @Rachel Jaffe (UCSC), 2023

  • @Tricia Lampron (UCI), Co-Chair 2024

  • @Cathleen Lu (UCSF)

  • @Latasha Means (UCM), 2024

  • @Naomi Shiraishi (UCB), 2023

  • @Israel Yáñez (UCD)

  • @Erica Zhang (UCLA)


2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month, 3-4pm

It is estimated that each member will be dedicating 2-4 hours of work per week, including both meetings and outside-of-meetings work.

Most Recent Meeting Notes

The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
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