Team Charter

Team Charter


We make decisions around the harmonization of cataloging and metadata policies at the system-wide level, in order to maintain a high-quality Network Zone. We also share resources, including workflows and documentation in order to reduce duplicate work across the system. 


Notes: rotate by last name; chair and vice-chair are exempt from notetaking responsibility. If possible, notes are updated within 24 hours.

Meeting recordings: meetings will generally be recorded. Links to recordings will be added to the RM Google drive and expire after 120 days. Members are free to download individual meeting recordings as desired and share links/downloads with other campus staff.

Chair/Vice-Chair will serve as meeting facilitators, create agendas with allowance for input by members, and will track time and keep the meeting on schedule. Discussion for specific agenda items may be led by any member as needed/desired.

Action items should be added via the Confluence Action Item macro by note taker with a due date if applicable; members are responsible for completing assigned action items. Action items will generally be reviewed every meeting.

In-meeting communication: members are not required to use features like raising hands, but are welcome to do so if desired.

Communicating with external stakeholders: an appropriate member will be identified for a given stakeholder group as needed. Generally, the chair and vice-chair will be responsible for broad external communication.

What are our expectations for working together?

-Production is not the same as implementation. Our group can be more thorough in testing and allow an appropriate amount of time for campuses to explore and consider RM-CMOS decisions.

-When making changes to the NZ or campus IZs, we do testing and evaluation in the relevant Sandbox before implementing them.

-We accept certain levels of imperfection: while we all want to strive for perfection, it is okay to start somewhere less perfect and continue to finetune when the pros outweigh the cons.

-Developing policies and procedures is an iterative process, we’re open to change and revision while also recognizing the need for some stability in order for staff to do their work.

-We continue to use decision and/or policy pages to track, record, and disseminate RM-CMOS decisions, especially those that impact the Network Zone.

-Assume positive intent.

-We solve requests and problems at the campus level whenever possible, reserving changes to the NZ for issues affecting multiple campuses or shared workflows, practices, and policies.

-We take a broad view when considering changes, including all stakeholders.

-We recognize that everyone’s time is important, we will start meetings at 2 minutes after the scheduled start time, we will table discussions that go beyond our scheduled time to our next meeting or work offline on those topics.

-Follow Harmonization Principles (prioritize the end user experience, simplify, evolve, support unique needs, enable data-driven decision making, unify the experience for users of our general collections, share the load).



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