SGTF Phase 4 Work Plan (April 2020 - June 2021)

SGTF Phase 4 Work Plan (April 2020 - June 2021)

SGTF phase 4 charge (see page 43).Β 

Phase 4 general activities and practices:

  • SGTF will meet twice a month (the first and third Friday) for 50-minute Zoom meetings.

  • SGTF steering committee (co-chairs, analyst) will meet in advance of each task force meeting to plan agendas and manage SGTF deliverables.

  • SGTF Co-Chair Aislinn Sotelo will provide regular, brief updates to the SILS WG (in her capacity as a WG member); other task force members also on the WG will supplement/support these updates as needed. Formal SGTF check-in’s/deliverables to the WG are also called out in the work plan table below.

  • SGTF members also on DOC will keep DOC apprised of the task force’s work and engage/consult with their DOC colleagues as needed.

  • SGTF Co-Chair Ginny Steel will work with SILS Co-Chairs Chris Shaffer and GΓΌnter Waibel to engage CoUL on shared governance topics. Formal SGTF check-in’s/deliverables to CoUL are also called out in the work plan table below.

Stage & timeline

Major Tasks


Stage & timeline

Major Tasks


  1. Planning

April - June 2020




Pre-mortem and risk mitigation

Done with L. Zentall and C. Barone.

Identify assumptions about operational SILS governance.


Initial brainstorm/discussion about operational SILS shared governance.

Work to begin identifying potential models, based on initial assumptions.

Review existing peer institution research and carry out further research and interviews as needed.

Work will likely continue into stage 2 (Assessment).




2. Assessment & initiating governance structure development

July - Mid/Late November 2020


Scope assessment questions (set goals and desired outcomes).

Engage WG on scope and goals (aiming for the Aug. 07 WG meeting).

Identify and build assessment instrument(s)


Secure SILS-WG review and signoff of assessment instrument(s)

Aiming for the Sept. 04 or Sept. 18 WG meeting (revised to October 2nd WG meeting). The SGTF then plans to hold the assessment instrument(s) and wait to distribute until late October/early November.

Further brainstorm/develop the operational shared gov. structure. Revise shared governance principles.


Release assessment instrument(s)

Late October or early Nov. 2020

Assess and summarize assessment findings

Deliverable shared via email with the WG and CoUL (informational item).

Further brainstorming/developing the operational shared gov. Structure. Revise shared governance principles, as needed.

Deliverable (potential operational shared gov. high-level models and principles) shared with WG (Nov. 13) and CoUL (Nov. 20) for feedback and guidance.




3. Develop Operational Shared Gov. Structure

Late November - April/June 2021


Review initial brainstorming and assessment findings


Further brainstorming/developing the operational shared gov. structure.


Consultations with WG, DOC around the proposal model(s) and proposed timeline to transition to operational shared governance.

Deliverable to be shared with DOC and WG in February.Β 

Consultation with CoUL around the proposal model(s) and proposed timeline to transition to operational shared governance.

To engage in March (together with WG).

Finalize operational shared gov., work practices and charges


Submit operational structure

Deliverable for the WG and CoUL sometime between April and June; the submission will be shaped by the desired transition period to operational governance (i.e. when phase 4 ends), which will be finalized in February/March.

Finalize, incorporate edits, (if any).






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