2021-01-22 SGTF agenda and notes

2021-01-22 SGTF agenda and notes

Meeting information

January 22, 2021 (2:30 - 3:20 pm)

Zoom: please see Outlook meeting invite.

​ Recording of the meeting: forthcoming, to be distributed on the listserv (please note: Zoom-hosted recordings will be available for 120 days after the meeting ​ , after which they are automatically deleted by Zoom).


  • Ginny Steel, (co-chair)Β 

  • Aislinn Sotelo, (co-chair)Β 

  • Donald Barclay

  • Susan Boone

  • Peter Brantley

  • Kevin Comerford

  • Alan Grosenheider

  • Sarah Houghton

  • Salwa Ismail

  • Cathy Martyniak

  • Felicia Poe

  • Sarah Troy

  • Danielle Westbrook


  • N/A


  • N/A

Agenda and draft discussion notes ​


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Welcome and announcements

Opportunity for co-chairs and members to share brief announcements and notices.


Ginny, Aislinn

  • Happy new year and welcome back!




SGTF Assessment Poll for Planning Ongoing SILS Governance.

Documents package:

Subgroup will speak to the new high-level findings document, with some time for discussion.

SGTF will confirm the documents package is ready for distribution to SILS WG.


Salwa, Aislinn, Danielle

  • SGTF reviewed the subgroup’s poll response overview at the December 18 meeting and requested a high-level summary from the subgroup as its final activity; that summary was shared with task force members in advance of this meeting.

  • Broadly, the poll tells us that SILS decision-making processes are understood. Because the poll did not link to the decision-making guidelines document, the subgroup is unable to draw findings specific to the different decision mechanisms.

  • Recommended edit: Subgroup will revise the finding tied to systemwide priorities, so that it is clearer.

Decision: Given the poll response to decision-making processes (2/3 majority of SILS cohort members report understanding these processes), SGTF will not pursue further analysis or data-gathering, re: decision-making.

Decision: With the agreed upon clarifying edit (see discussion notes), this document is ready for SILS WG.

Action: Ginny and Aislinn will take this documents package to SILS Steering and WG.


Ongoing governance: development of detailed roles and responsibilities for the teams in the ongoing SILS structure

Subgroup will review work underway on the more detailed roles and responsibilities table for SILS teams. This document is still a work-in-progress, but SGTF member are welcome to share feedback and first impressions.


Felicia, Sarah, Salwa

  • Β SGTF’s proposed UCLAS-integrated SILS organizational structure was endorsed by the SILS Working Group and the Council of University Librarians in fall 2020. The table below begins to articulate the roles and responsibilities that will eventually populate team charges. Over the past 2 months, the subgroup has in part been focused on further articulating the roles and responsibilities for the ongoing gov. teams.

  • One aim is to articulate and continue to reference principles in the charges themselves (to integrate the SILS principles and priorities in the charges).

  • SGTF will continue to discuss the table at the next meeting (Feb. 05), with the aim to finalize at the Feb. 19 SGTF meeting.

Action: SGTF members should continue to review the roles/responsibilities document, and insert edits and/or questions.








Future agenda items ​

  • Further discussion/planning around SILS integration into UCLAS

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