2021-03-05 SGTF Agenda and Notes

2021-03-05 SGTF Agenda and Notes

March 05, 2021 (2:30 - 3:20 pm)

Zoom: please see Outlook meeting invite.

Recording of the meeting: forthcoming, to be distributed on the listserv (please note: Zoom-hosted recordings will be available for 120 days after the meeting ​ , after which they are automatically deleted by Zoom).


  • Ginny Steel, (co-chair) 

  • Aislinn Sotelo, (co-chair) 

  • Donald Barclay

  • Peter Brantley

  • Kevin Comerford

  • Alan Grosenheider

  • Sarah Houghton

  • Salwa Ismail

  • Cathy Martyniak

  • Felicia Poe

  • Sarah Troy

  • Danielle Westbrook


  • N/A


  • Susan Boone

Agenda and draft discussion notes


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Welcome and announcements

Opportunity for co-chairs and members to share brief announcements and notices.


Ginny, Aislinn

  • To discuss roles/responsibilities, SGTF steering met with SILS steering on Wednesday; SGTF steering then met with the full SILS WG this morning.




Feedback from SILS-WG: roles and responsibilities table.

Review and discuss WG’s feedback for roles/responsibilities. Determine what changes should be made/considered (should the subgroup re-convene to more fully discuss the feedback and to propose revisions?)


Ginny, Aislinn, Danielle

  • SILS Steering and WG feedback is embedded in the roles/responsibilities linked here.

  • In addition to specific feedback and edits, SGTF is asked to consider: What are the potential intersections between SILS work and work that is managed in other areas of UCLAS or with shared service teams? As we move into the ongoing SILS structure, DOC is responsible for keeping an eye on the intersection of groups and info-sharing across UCLAS. Each team within the structure is also empowered/directed to engage with the applicable folks outside of the structure (teams shouldn’t work in isolation).

  • Future assessment will inform when components of the SILS structure evolve or sunset and are replace by new entities (potentially not directly under SILS).

  • EDI is indirectly referenced right now in the table, but SILS WG wants it to be directly referenced.

  • An SGTF member reflected that some of the more conservative elements of the proposed matrix (e.g. including a CoUL liaison; more representatives teams) were asked to be reconsidered/revised by SILS Steering and WG; this feedback shows an inflection point for the system; trust within SILS and UCLAS.

  • SGTF (and SILS WG, CoUL, DOC) should consider the total FTE envelope that’s available to dedicate to SILS ongoing work; it’s an opportunity cost.

  • Representative → Expertise based models: when is the right point to transition?

  • While workflows are being developed, implementation-like decisions being made, this likely calls for remaining representative. Is there a timeline and a series of activities – that their completion marks a potential opportunity to move to representation.

  • SGTF members expressed some interest in exploring at the functional level, whether and when these can be expertise based; a member expressed interest in expanding strategic involvement to representative, though others affirmed the value of having systemwide strategic planning be at the expertise level too.

  • A member expressed support for continued use of the Representative Optional model, whereby campuses can opt-out if they don’t have the capacity to participate.

  • SGTF members affirmed that further discussion is needed, as is engagement with the All Chairs. (An SGTF engagement is being scheduled with All Chairs, to get their feedback; the intention is to share the roles/responsibilities that we’re moving to and discuss transition needs; is a strawperson proposal needed, re: the transition, to support that engagement?)


Action: Subgroup will incorporate the straightforward feedback; they’ll also flag when proposed edits/feedback requires further discussion. Components of the roles/responsibilities matrix that remain active discussions will be labelled as such.


Planning the SILS transition period (discussion continued from Feb. 26, which was based on the links provided directly below).

Based on the last SGTF meeting, a number of transition-related topics have been identified for further discussion:


Ginny, Aislinn

SGTF ran out of time.


Action: SGTF members should review and add to the brainstorming document titled, Planning the Transition From Phase 4 to the Ongoing SILS Structure.









Future agenda items

  • Continuing the conversation around how to best support the transition (including transition-specific teams, orientation, kick-off/celebration)

  • Discuss feedback from the End User Name Subgroup exist survey.

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