Submitting Workflows
How to Submit
Send workflows as documents or links to the Internal Training Team at or contact your local IT member:
If you have questions about submitting workflows, you can reach out to the Internal Training team at the above listserv or on the #internal-training-questions Slack channel.
Submission is ongoing, please submit as you complete workflows.
If you submit a workflow and there are subsequent changes to the workflow, please reach out to the Internal Training Team to provide updates so that workflows remain current.
Note: We may edit submissions for clarity, privacy, and accessibility. Please ensure your documentation does not contain any personally identifiable information (e.g. real patron names) and that the documentation is as accessible as possible.
For more information about formatting, accessibility, and privacy, please see Format Guidelines for Accessibility and Privacy.
Required Elements
Descriptive File Title
Author (Which Functional Group)
Desired Audience
The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
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