OCLC Alma IZ Workflows
Created by the Resource Management Functional Group. Spun off from the Work inventory document created by the Internal Training Group (ITG)
This document outlines 4 methods for pulling OCLC data into Alma from within a campus Institution Zone (IZ) and the various options that each of them provides for editing/interacting with Network Zone (NZ) data. It is intended to be used in conjunction with the policies and best practices outlined here: Bibliographic Record Management in the SILS Network Zone and is not intended to prescribe one method for all catalogers at all campuses to use. Campuses should review the “best for” and “not recommended for” sections along with testing various workflows locally in order to determine which methods work best for them in different scenarios. RMFG can provide additional guidance and feedback throughout the remainder of Phase 4 as needed.
Gateway export from within OCLC
Best for:
Manual copy cataloging with minimal/no local field edits
Not recommended for:
Batch, records that require normalization during import, records that require a lot local fields
Configuration/Credentials needed:
In Connexion:
To overlay NZ-linked records or export to the NZ you need to set up an NZ gateway export:
Logon Id and password can be provided by CDL/SCP
To overlay IZ-only records or export into IZ you need to set up an IZ gateway export:
Logon ID and password can be provided by your IC.
Preferred Record
Existing Alma record is the preferred record: What is the preferred record for merge rules for Connexion export into Alma?
Merge rules are set in the integration profile and are the same for every user in the IZ. They cannot be changed for individual users or situations.
Can only be updated by a system administrator.
Campuses using a custom merge rule should ensure that they abide by any existing UC-designated best practices for NZ records
See “NZ considerations” for additional details
If using the NZ Gateway, the merge rule is set in the NZ. Currently, the NZ uses the out-of-the-box “Overlay all fields but local” rule and RMFG is soliciting feedback on how well that is working.
NZ Considerations
Campuses are unable to use normalization rules/processes on non-local fields in NZ-linked records. Any normalization set up in the campus integration profile will not be carried out on the incoming record.
Integration profile has the option to use the NZ (set to either “yes” or “no”). This setting can be changed by Ex Libris and is visible in “External resources” under the “General” section of the configuration (requires General System Administrator Role):
Ex LIbris recommends standardizing this setting across institutions for go-live, during test load campuses can test different settings with the following expected results:
Leave it set to "no" and set up 2 Gateway logins in Connexion (one NZ and one IZ):
The NZ Gateway login allows user to update NZ records in addition to bringing in new ones
Uses the merge rule set up in the NZ integration
Will not export local extensions with “$9 Local”
The IZ Gateway login adds new records to the IZ and also updates IZ-only records
Uses the merge rule set up in the IZ integration
Does not check the NZ during export
Requires manually linking records to the NZ inside Alma
Could potentially add duplicates of NZ records that would be identified and need to be resolved during the linking process
Linking the IZ copy to the NZ will not update the NZ copy, it will instead bring the NZ version down into the IZ
Does export local some local extensions with “$9 Local” but they may not all pass OCLC validation
Leave it set to "no" and set up 1 Gateway login in Connexion (IZ only):
The IZ Gateway login adds new records to my IZ and also updates IZ-only records
Uses the merge rule set up in the IZ integration
Does not check the NZ during export
Requires manually linking records to the NZ inside Alma
Could potentially add duplicates of NZ records that would be identified and need to be resolved during the linking process
Linking the IZ copy to the NZ will not update the NZ copy, it will instead bring the NZ version down into the IZ
Does export local some local extensions with “$9 Local” but they may not all pass OCLC validation
Change the setting to "yes" and set up 1 Gateway login in Connexion (IZ only):
The IZ Gateway login allows users bring new records into the NZ that are automatically linked to their IZ
Does not allow user to update NZ records
Merge rule is not applicable since user cannot update NZ records
Change the setting to “yes” and set up 2 Gateway logins in Connexion (IZ and NZ)
The NZ Gateway login allows user to update NZ records in addition to bringing in new ones
Uses the merge rule set up in the NZ integration
The IZ Gateway login adds new records to the NZ but does not allow updates to NZ records
Merge rule is N/A since only new records can be brought in
The new NZ record will automatically link to the IZ that exported the record
If there is an existing IZ-only record, the Gateway will not link the new NZ record to that record, there will be duplicates in the IZ
Other Considerations
Since the default match method is based on OCLC number, if a cataloger is working with a record that doesn’t have one, catalogers need to add an 035 with the OCLC to the Alma bib before exporting the OCLC one
RMFG is still working on a system-wide policy for OCLC/WorldCat Daily updates. If the UCs begin processing daily updates, campuses will develop local practices around when to export records from OCLC vs. waiting for the update process
Search Resources in Alma Metadata Editor
Best for:
Searches done using ISBNs/other identifiers or specific searches that will not return large result sets
Simple copy cataloging where records meeting specific criteria are going to be accepted as-is and most/all edits would be to local fields
Staff who need to import bibliographic records and prefer to work within one system. Acquisitions, for instance, may use it to bring in records at point of order to attach POLs to. Staff are not worried about editing the master record in OCLC.
Not best for:
Broad searches that may return large sets of results
Full cataloging when editing the master OCLC record may be needed
Ex Libris Documentation
Access through MD editor:
Catalog Manager
Catalog Administrator
To configure external system search:
Catalog Administrator
General System Administrator
Preferred Record
The external record is the preferred record
The rule will be set in the configuration and thus be set for all users.
See Working with Merge Rules document for guidance on setting up merge rules for searching external resources. Note that because the “preferred record” when using the MDE is the opposite of the preferred record in the OCLC Gateway and import profiles, the same merge rules will not have the same results.
Current merge rule for NZ-linked records is set up using the sample rule provided here: Working with Merge Rules. RMFG is soliciting campus feedback on how this rule is working.
Summary of use
You can access Search Resources from within the MDE or from Resources > Cataloging > Search Resources (opens it in MDE)
Choose the database you want to search. The options available to you are configured from a list of available databases in Alma. Worldcat option accesses OCLC.
Fill out your search criteria and search
Review the search results and use the import button to bring the record into Alma MDE
From there you can order it, add inventory, edit the record, or perform any other functions you would on a record in Alma
If the record already exists in Alma, the merge rule in the configuration will govern how it is merged
NZ considerations
Your IZ search profile may differ from the NZ search profile. You may want to consider what settings you use for placement of new records when using Search Resources
See Permission to configure external search profiles: In a Network Zone, the Search profiles configured in your IZ may be different than those configured for the NZ. The settings that control the placement of new records and templates (Local or Network) in the MD Editor (File > Options) also determine which search profiles are available to the individual user when the Institution Zone and the Network Zone have configured different search profiles
Searching for NZ-linked records requires that the search is configured in the NZ. CDL handles the configuration/credentials for the NZ.
Other considerations
The main advantage is that searching and bringing in records are done within Alma, without going to an outside system such as OCLC Connexion
For keyword or other broad searches you can get a long list of results you need to scroll through
It does not provide for editing the OCLC master record
OCLC holdings are not set when you import a record but a local publishing profile can set holdings on records separately (i.e., no need to go out to OCLC to set holdings manually)
The bib record will include a 9XX field that says, NO HOLDINGS IN [your OCLC institution code] - 23 OTHER HOLDINGS. However, holdings will be set by the publishing job
Any local field issues?
There are merge rule options that preserve existing local fields
Import Profile
Best for
Good for loading larger sets of records
Can add inventory, as long as the batch is the same material type
Not best for
Staff without import profile permissions
Credentials (if any)
No credentials but see “Roles” below
Preferred record
Existing record in Alma (according to Working with Merge Rules)
Documentation mostly in Creating/Editing an Import Profile: Match Profile
Choice of Merge, Overlay, Do Not Import, or Use NZ Record.
If Merge is chosen, predefined merge methods include Conditional subject headings, Keep old value, Overlay all fields but local, and Replace 245 and 035 OCoLC if exist.
Can write merge rules and apply them (under merge methods)
Can choose to allow bib record deletion; do not override/merge a record with a lower brief version; and do not override originating system.
Options for CZ linked records
Can choose Overlay instead of Merge; then merge rules do not apply.
Can prevent older bib records from overlaying newer records; can consider originating system.
To create, edit, copy, or delete import profiles: Catalog Administrator OR Acquisitions Administrator
To view or share import profile: Acquisitions Administrator, Purchasing Operator, Purchasing Manager, Repository Administrator, Catalog Administrator, or general system administrator
To run a repository import: Catalog Manager, Catalog Administrator, or Repository Administrator. (**The Cataloger role cannot run an import)
NZ considerations
Import profiles can be configured in the IZ with the “Use Network Zone” box checked.
In Match Profile, can select Add to NZ upon match.
**Normalization processes that are applied to NZ-linked bib records as part of an import profile must be configured in the NZ Alma instance.
Other considerations
Any local field issues?
Option to import local extensions
If set to yes, the system uses Match Actions in the Match Profile tab to determine how to handle merge and overlay actions for local fields.
MARCEdit Alma Integration
The MARCEdit Alma Integration relies on an API key supplied by Ex Libris. In a consortial environment, the API key only allows edits to local fields and so is not as useful for adding OCLC data to Alma as it is in a standalone environment. Instructions for that integration have been provided separately here, since the integration is more useful for strictly local data.
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