2022-04-06 Meeting notes


  • Thomas Bustos, Chair

  • Jackie Gosselar, Vice Chair

  • Lakshmi Arunachalam (out)

  • Ramon Barcia (out)

  • Greg Ferguson

  • Jeremy Hobbs

  • Sarah Lindsey (out)

  • Caitlin Nelson

  • John Riemer

  • Zach Silveira

  • Neil Weingarten (out)

  • Mallory Gianola, Support Member

Meeting Recording

Meeting Recording

The meeting recording is available for download in the OT Shared Google Folder, which you can access using this link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1WdF364I_8mGZ9B8aLYrxc4mCZWhYOC5j?usp=sharing



Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Updates - from All-Chairs, Leadership Group, etc.

Provide updates from other SILS meetings

10 mins


  • Leadership Group - Talked about communication, which is something we’ve been talking about in OT as well

    • Townhall idea for the cohort and externally - LG felt that those kind of communications should come from them

      • Tom’s updates to LG, as well as info they get from All-Chairs and DOC, will inform what information LG shares at these Townhalls

      • Not sure if LG is taking over SILS-News and other communications; still hashing this out

        • But the Townhall is something LG wants to do for sure

        • SILS-News might still be on OT; but depends on what has been going on and what there is to report

    • Communication stream between LG and OT - needs to be maintained

      • Would be good for Jackie to serve as back-up to Tom, in case he can’t make the LG meetings

        • Jackie is willing to do this

    • There was a meeting between LG and DOC yesterday to talk about the expectations for communication and strategy

      • Tom wasn’t able to make the meeting, but will share the notes from this meeting with OT before our next meeting

      • The discussion that took place at this meeting will help inform what we do with SILS-News and other communication

      • Discussion was also supposed to be about how we see communication functioning among the cohort

        • Tom shared with LG that he sees two streams of communication: one through All-Chairs, representing the subgroups, and one through the campuses which comes through OT, since OT is representative of all of the campuses

          • Tom hopes this strategy was communicated back to DOC in the meeting that took place yesterday

  • All-Chairs - Still trying to sort through the charter

    • At a good spot, getting pretty ironed out

    • Also shared back info from the ExL support call


@Tom Bustos will share the notes from the meeting with LG and DOC related to communication, with OT before our next meeting on 4/20

Q & A Session - Including Questions on Slack since last meeting

Any questions from the team?

Questions from Slack?

10 mins


From Slack:

  • Was there some kind of SILS-wide decision regarding UC dissertations in Proquest?

    • Pre-SILS we were getting these from the PCI, but it doesn't look like we are getting any records anymore (collection in CDI is turned off).

    • Digital Collections Project Team is managing the digital ones, but not the ones handled in Proquest

      • Confusion - thought they were all in Proquest now, for the last 10 years or so

      • Also some in Merit

      • Maybe portfolios need to be created in the NZ, to link to some of these other databases

    • Should we add this to the OT Work Plan, so we can do some more research? Or hand it off to a Subteam, and if so who?

      • Jeremy and Jackie will work on a write-up to explain this question and what information we’re looking for, and then OT will see if we can hand this off to another Subteam


@Jackie Gosselar and @Jeremy Hobbs will work on drafting a write-up to describe the question related to dissertations and Proquest, and the information we’re looking for on this topic, so we can use this write-up to handoff this task to a Subteam

Discuss OT Workplan

Review OT deliverables and prioritize what tasks needs to be completed first; identify items that should be handed off to an operations Subteam

30 mins



@Caitlin Nelson will look into why the Training Documentation Hub is locked down and report back to OT
@Caitlin Nelson will check the Graphic Assets Folder and find out if there are usage guidelines in it
@Caitlin Nelson will then move the Graphic Assets Folder so that it is a main folder in the SILS Cohort shared drive, and update the folder permissions so that it is viewable to the public, so long as the usage guidelines don’t say anything about not making it public
@Caitlin Nelson will then send out a communication letting people know that the Graphic Assets Folder is now accessible to the public
@Tom Bustos will follow-up with LG to ask if they’re willing to take on External Communication and coming up with the External Communication Strategy or if there should be a group charged with this instead
@Tom Bustos will move the Archived decision pages from phase 4 to the All-Chairs agenda, so OT can hand this off to them at the next All-Chairs meeting

UCOP Statistics and Analytics

Review and discuss; determine next steps

13 mins


  • This was Danielle’s suggestion / recommendation:

    • For the summer 2022 annual stats, what is being collected will remain unchanged.

      • Could we harness the experience of those campuses that were previously on Alma?

        • Davis comes to mind, as the campus with the most Alma experience.

        • Could we engage them to see if they have IZ-level Analytics reports for their annual systemwide stats that could serve as a template for all campus submissions?

        • This should achieve time-savings for ILS-related data collection.

    • Even for already Alma campuses, the data looks weird because of the migration

  • Nobody knows why we are collecting these statistics, or who we’re reporting them to

    • Wondering if we can ask LG to work with DOC to find out who these statistics go to and find out which ones matter and why?

      • Then, could we just report on those statistics that matter?

      • Or, can we get a pass this year, considering the migration, etc.?

    • How do we ask these questions? Do we go through Danielle?

      • Would ask Sarah Troy, who is the DOC liaison on LG

      • Also ask Danielle, and let them each know we asked the other; or put them in contact with one another

      • Ask them who is the decider on this, and then follow-up with the decider

  • Perhaps someone from OT-SC could respond to Danielle in the thread that is already established on this topic, and add Sarah Troy, to ask who these statistics go to and find out which ones matter and why

  • Will individual campuses be responsible for gathering these statistics?

    • That seems unclear right now

    • At the CSUs, there was a committee responsible for gathering the reports across all campuses

  • Need to discuss this further at our next meeting; high priority agenda topic

    • Also, everyone can share feedback on Slack before out next meeting on this topic



Taking the Temperature Survey

Discuss Responses from Survey, particularly the What worries you? and What are you most excited about? sections

0 mins


Didn’t Discuss - Tabled for Next Meeting




Communication with Subteams, Cohort, and Campuses

Discuss how we want to provide updates to the cohort and to campuses

0 mins


Didn’t Discuss - Tabled for Next Meeting




Topics or questions for the Ex Libris Support Meeting

Any topics or questions that should be addressed at the next monthly Ex Libris Support Meeting?

0 mins


Didn’t Discuss - Tabled for Next Meeting




Discuss System/Component Down Communication Path

Review and discuss notes from document and updating format to decision tree

0 mins


Didn’t Discuss - Tabled for Next Meeting




Executive Session

Private discussion as needed







Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion



  • Proposal for a SILS GitHub from the Discovery OST/SILS Ops Center

  • June NERS Voting - Need new committee to discuss next steps

  • Communication with Subteams, Cohort, and Campuses

  • Taking the Temperature Survey

  • Need to create a page for System Down Reporting

  • Internal Training / Training Documentation Hub






63 mins






The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu