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Desired Outcome







(Op Leads) Communication flows

See 5/5 Op Leads (PM) meeting notes and scenarios

Com Leads to understand and document information flows internally within the cohort and externally to campuses.

Understand if the PPC practices would extend to all coordination level groups (IC, PPC, TOC) or if other communication flows are needed.


PMs, Caitlin, Com Leads, Xiaoli

PPC notes: 2020-05-01 PPC Meeting notes

Communications: impact as a criteria when contacting other groups

  • When a FG/ELG needs to ask questions of another FG/ELG = send it to the PPC listserv

  • When a FG/ELG needs to ask questions of IC = PPC listserv and IC listserv

  • When a FG needs to ask question of campus people

    • Does an FG need PPC approval to go out and ask a campus some questions?

      • Bring this early and often to the PPC group. Listserv + agenda item (round robin).

Notes on external communications: 2020-04-28 Op Leads Meeting notes

  • What is a line for communication for questions?

    • First line is your own group, or another obvious SILS group

  • Second line is Ex Libris

    • Good at “can” and “options”, maybe not so good at “should”

    • Once you have the option on the table, ExL can articulate ramifications

  • Third line is the ELUNA lists

    • Might be better at “should” - what is your experience with this option?

Notes on “buddy system”: 5 campuses have already gone through a migration! Buddy system: Can we pair an Alma UC with a non-Alma UC?

Notes on communicating with campus staff (“homework”): 2020-05-05 Op Leads Meeting notes

Scenario: A FG needs more information in order to answer a policy question. They might address this by:

  1. Reach out to all campuses with a request to fill out some question sheet.

  2. Reach out to all campuses with a request to produce some statistics.

  3. Reach out to all campuses with a quickie request for info.

  • What is the appropriate amount of work to “assign” to campus staff?

  • What is the appropriate pathway to vet these requests?

    • PPC as clearinghouse for all external “homework” requests.

  • How do we manage multiple overlapping requests?

    • PPC as coordinators for deadlines.

New Communications Paths Draft (5/14)


  • The chair is responsible

(Audience IC, ILSDC, Patron Data, FG, ELGs) Have a question? Start here:

  • First line of communication is your own group, or another obvious SILS group.

  • Second line is Ex Libris (via chair).

    • Good at “can” and “options”, maybe not so good at “should”

    • Once you have the option on the table, ExL can articulate ramifications

  • Third line is the ELUNA lists.

    • Might be better at “should” - what is your experience with this option?

Intra-SILS groups communication: principle of widespread questioning, with vetting by Coordinator group

  • When a FG/ELG needs to ask questions of another FG/ELG = send it to the PPC listserv

  • When a FG/ELG needs to ask questions of IC = PPC listserv and IC listserv

  • When IC needs to ask a question of an FG = FG listserv and PPC listserv

Use email listserv, not Slack. Email will allow for threaded responses and keeps the conversation together.

SILS-to-campus communication. Principle: don’t overwhelm campus staff with too much, or overlapping work.

  • When a FG needs to ask question of campus people

    • Does an FG need PPC approval to go out and ask a campus some questions?

      • Bring this early and often to the PPC group. Listserv + agenda item (round robin).

  • What is the appropriate amount of work to “assign” to campus staff?

  • What is the appropriate pathway to vet these requests?

    • PPC as clearinghouse for all external “homework” requests.

  • How do we manage multiple overlapping requests?

    • PPC as coordinators for deadlines.

SILS-to-Ex Libris communication. Principle: no bottlenecks.

  • SILS chairs can post questions as needed on Basecamp; 

  • Each chair / group will get their own category

    • Include rationale here…. Discovery and ownership

  • Ex Libris within a couple of days should either answer or acknowledge.

  • Once the question is answered, owner should respond “thanks this is done” and archive it.

  • Escalation conditions: if there is no response within a few days, it can be brought up at the next appropriate check-in; escalation can also be tagged with the escalate “category” - and we can sort by that, and look only at the escalate questions during a meeting.

    • Who tags escalation? PMs can; owner is expected to escalate their own questions as needed - tag it and let Caitlin know what’s going on. 

  • Meeting is a safe space to analyze questions and figure out next steps.

  • Different questions should get different threads - use common sense.

SILS-to-external-world communication (asking questions). Principle: don’t burn our cred with peer consortia, or ask overlapping questions, or silo information.

  • Write to ELUNA lists, coordinate questions among FGs before sending out.

Notes from 5/14:

  • Do we create a single best practices document for reference by everyone?

  • What scenarios should be covered? Who’s involved in each scenario?

  • Finding a balance with UC to ExL communication - when to reach out; how much is too much?

  • General communication about the project SILS Project Reporting - owned by Operation Leads (Com Leads and PM Leads divide the work appropriately)

  • Gathering information from the groups – Chairs have the best sense to know what is of interest to the larger group. They are the logical place to solicit key project update info.

  • Decisions have already been made about what services are going away. Communicate this information (in a table): when is it going away, is it still in discussion, how it relates to SILS, does it affect implementation or is it post-go-live? This will help in decision-making for FGs. ACTION: create a table and share on Confluence



Understand FAQ version 1.0 content and deadlines.

What is our approach how will populate the FAQ?


Ben, Adrian

  • Group the questions by those we can answer now and those we cannot yet answer yet

  • We could point folks towards the decision pages so that they have another source of information

  • Let people know how to submit a question they would like answered, possibly via google form linked from the bottom of the FAQ page

    • name, campus, email address, question

    • Then COLs would need to find out who to farm it out to for an answer

  • Deadline for getting as many questions as we can answered is May 23rd

Deadline for FAQ answers is May 23rd for first review


(COM) SILS abbreviations

Is it ready? Where will it live? on the website again or Confluence or both?

Do we need it by June 1?


can be tackled offline


(COM) Decision dashboard

How will we use it? Who’s the audience? When do we need it?

How will it look, where it will live, what filters would apply, e.g., status? See Caitlin’s example




(COM) Ongoing checkin

  1. Is anything blocked or behind schedule?

  2. What deliverables are coming in the next week?

  3. Any decisions, consultations or approvals needed in the next week? 

  4. Do you need anything?




(COM) SILS News Communications Phase 4 Editorial Calendar

Awareness of upcoming communications and anything needed


Parking Lot

Confluence HP draft




