Example Deduplication with Electronic Resources problem
Conclusion: Changing deduplication preferred record to Electronic preferred fixes the problem.
Added as a Known Issue: [archive] Deduplication with Electronic Resources
Title: The promise of access : technology, inequality, and the political economy of hope
OCN: 1202266645
UCSC sandbox with electronic preferred record - https://ucsc-psb.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/search?query=any,contains,The promise of access : technology, inequality, and the political economy of hope&tab=test_scope&search_scope=DiscoveryNetwork&vid=01CDL_SCR_INST:USCS&lang=en&offset=0
UCR Sandbox Print Preferred
Permalink: https://ucr-psb.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01CDL_RIV_INST/vfbu4o/alma9913455968206531
UCR Sandbox Electronic Preferred:
Permalink: https://ucr-psb.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01CDL_RIV_INST/8pushm/alma9917000461806531
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