Methodology for determining how many articles incorrectly display as Unavailable online in brief results.

Methodology for determining how many articles incorrectly display as Unavailable online in brief results.

Jess Waggoner, UCSC Yesterday at 3:55 PM
Wanted to share our methodology for determining how many articles incorrectly say they are unavailable online in the brief results (I recall it came up in the meeting I missed)

Jess Waggoner, UCSC  16 hours ago
I had one of my students gather the data, so the methodology is well documented on this one


Jess Waggoner, UCSC  16 hours ago
Here is our data: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12RguADWfdenxSKBKFHIE9uwFSzQ-NL4srx4f16okkhM/edit?usp=sharing

Jess Waggoner, UCSC  16 hours ago
The same searches were performed at UCSC and UCI. The 4-6% range comes from the variation in findings between the two campuses


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