

Table of Contents

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Search Advisory Group Update / Allen Jones & Judith Fraenkel

ELUNA 2023 Annual Meeting

eluna membership password


Ex Libris began a dialog on issues related to DEI around 2020, resulting in the creation of two groups – the internal Anti-Bias Ex Libris Team and the community DEI Advisory Group – and activities to improve DEI in Discovery.  DEI activities of Ex Libris’ Anti-Bias Team include the removal of extremely offensive terms in the CDI subject heading index (list of removed terms) and the option for libraries to create lists of words to exclude from the subject headings in the Discovery interface (see Ex Libris documentation Configuring the DEI Exclude List for Primo VE).  The community DEI Advisory Group introduced 12 new DEI in Search features into product enhancement voting.

Implementing Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) in the Catalog: A Case of Library Connection Libraries (LCI) / Judy Njoroge

2023 NETSL Annual Spring Conference


As an important part of a society that should be welcoming to all, libraries have been seeking ways to ensure their catalogs reflect principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion. In this presentation, I will share what we are doing at LCI to improve our cataloging metadata and achieve two DEI goals: 

(1) Replace outdated, inappropriate, offensive, or insensitive subject headings 

while ensuring that resources in our catalog remain searchable and discoverable; 

(2) Add current, appropriate, and inclusive subject headings if missing, allowing 

resources on these subjects to be more discoverable.

Improving Discovery with More Inclusive (And Immediate) Search Results / Mike Rogers

ELUNA 2023 Annual Meeting

eluna membership password


Disabling “Expand my results” in Primo promotes more inclusive searching and a much broader discovery scope, increasing search results for users. The presentation also includes instructions for how to update and expand GES links, explains scenarios & resolutions when users select “check for availability,” and explains what causes uncertain calculated availability (bad metadata).

Making DEI-Related Changes to Alma and Primo Metadata / ELUNA Primo Working Group, DEI Subgroup


This presentation explains subject problems in Primo and covers “Primo solutions” for changing how metadata displays and functions in Primo without changing it in Alma by using the DEI Exclude List, Primo normalization rules or JavaScript to change display of subject terms, local subject authority records, and alternative vocabularies.  Includes several techniques for analyzing user searching to understand how to respond.

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