(Test and Go-Live) UC Network Patron Linked Account Shared Fields and Mandatory Local IZ Patron Fields
Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided
Status | Decided |
Scope | Test and Go-Live |
Description | Each campus can specify which UC patron information fields to share with each other for the creation of shared UC Network Patron accounts. This information is configured in each campus IZ. Total harmonization between campuses is not necessary, but it is encouraged. Mandatory fields required for patron account creation in local IZs will be included. |
Decision | The UC patron data information listed below with a “Yes” will be shared between campuses when staff view UC patron accounts. Fields required for patron account creation in local IZs are identified with a “Yes” as well. |
Owning group | Fulfillment and ILL SILS-FG-FULFILL-L@LISTSERV.UCOP.EDU |
Approver | PPC |
Stakeholders | R = Fulfillment and ILL |
Decision-making process | Fist of Five |
Priority | High |
Due date | 1/21/2021 |
Each campus can specify which UC patron information fields to share with each other. A patron’s local barcode and patron group are not included in this decision because they will already be shared as an out-of-the-box feature in Alma. This information is configured, and able to be changed in each campus IZ. Total harmonization between campuses is not necessary, but it is encouraged for as much as possible.
The following information regarding the shared fields was previously reported to ExLibris via the Automated Fulfillment Network configuration form. Ex-libris configured these settings for the campuses. Campuses will need to check and change their configuration to the following settings in their IZ.
Exlibris Video on how to configure linked account shared fields and rules: http://exl-edu.com/01_Alma/Resource_Sharing/Linking_Users_in_a_Fulfillment_Network/story_html5.html?lms=1
Basecamp ticket regarding necessity of madatory IZ field alignment: https://3.basecamp.com/3765443/buckets/15553579/messages/3531955009#__recording_3534387781
Configuration>User Management>Collaborative Networks>Linked Account Shared Fields
Fields Available | Share (Yes or No) | Required in IZ | Notes |
First Name | Yes | ? |
Middle Name | Yes | No |
Last Name | Yes | Yes |
Pin Number | No (Only UCI is using) |
| A four-digit number which serves as a password for the user to log on to the self-check machine (SIP2); see Configuring SIP2 Bin Configuration. Manually enter a number or select Generate to generate a PIN number. The PIN number is sent in the PIN Number Generation Letter. |
Job Title | No (No campus is using) |
| Job Title you can assign a patron |
Job Description | No (No campus is using) |
| A free text description of the user’s responsibilities. |
Gender | No |
Preferred Language | No |
Birth Date | No |
Expiry Date | Yes | Yes | Alma can be set to expire account based upon the local IZ date. |
Purge Date | Yes | Yes | Alma can be set to purge account based upon the local IZ date. |
Email List | Yes | Yes |
Address List | Yes | Yes |
Phone List | No | Yes |
Preferred First Name | Yes | Yes | Required by UCs . Campuses may satisfy this requirement by having their preferred name data automatically populate into the patron name fields like UCSD is currently doing |
Preferred Middle Name | Yes | Yes | Required by UCs . Campuses may satisfy this requirement by having their preferred name data automatically populate into the patron name fields like UCSD is currently doing |
Preferred Last Name | Yes | Yes | Required by UCs . Campuses may satisfy this requirement by having their preferred name data automatically populate into the patron name fields like UCSD is currently doing |
F&ILL FG will test: A user from one UC with no defined First Name in their IZ user record attempts to direct borrow (resource sharing) an item from another UC. Also, is it possible to edit fields in the stub record itself. Is that possible, particularly a user name field?
If the transaction is prevented, which ExLibris thinks may occur, we then need to add a character, any character, to the First Name field of the user record and see if that then allows the resource sharing transaction to occur. Polling the other UC partners in the Patron Data group, “already on Alma” UCR and UCSC indicated that they insert a period (“.”) into the First Name field of those very, very few user records that exhibit this scenario.
F&ILL FG will test: Phone number data formats vary from campus to campus. Some include the area code (e.g. 951-123-4567), some include the area code as well but don't use dashes (e.g. 8311234567), and others use the (123) 456-7890 format with area code in parentheses. Some campuses have had to engineer alternative ways to capture international numbers because their current ILS doesn’t accommodate the length of the numbers. In order to ensure that our differing formats will be able to be validated, copied, and shared along with the other shared patron data fields, no rule, or a more flexible rule may need to be created and added to local Alma configurations.
Recommend two solutions to test in the following order:
Preferred Each campus leave the regex phone number validation blank
Each campus use {insert recommended flexible rule} when locally configuring phone number regex validation for shared patron accounts. Ex-Libris has suggested that the best practice would be to make a more general rule accepting different formats (numbers, characters, and long or unlimited length), to ensure the differing formats can be copied over from each campus.
Example of a more flexible rule provided by ExLibris - ^\D?(\d{3})\D?\D?(\d{3})\D?(\d{4})$
Action Log
Action/Point Person | Expected Completion Date | Notes | Status |
Fulfillment and ILL FG test phone number data formats/account updates |
| Done |
Fulfillment and ILL FG Review and Approve | 1/21/2021 | Fist of 5 vote and approved. Sent to ICs | Done |
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