(Go-Live) Temporary Changes to the AFN for Libraries/Services Closed During COVID
Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided
Status | Decided |
Scope | Go-Live |
Description | Anticipating that not all of the UC Libraries will be fully re-opened/providing normal services as of the project go-live date, we need to plan which services to temporarily switch off. |
Decision | The following services at each campus will be turned on or off for go-live. If an alternative “switch on” date is known, it has been captured below. Campuses should determine when to switch services back on as they continue to re-open. This page will continue to be updated with any date changes as they become available. |
Owning group | Fulfillment and ILL FG SILS-FG-FULFILL-L@LISTSERV.UCOP.EDU |
Approver | PPC |
Stakeholders | R = Fulfillment and ILL |
Decision-making process | Fist of Five |
Priority | High |
Due date | 7/15/2021 |
Anticipating that not all of the UC Libraries will be fully re-opened/providing normal services as of the project go-live date, we need to plan which services to temporarily switch off. The following table captures which services at each campus will be turned on or off for go-live. If an alternative “switch on” date is known, it has been captured below. Campuses should determine when to switch services back on as they continue to re-open.
These services are able to be switched on/off by:
Lending- To turn off, CDL sets an institution in the NZ to Inactive, then runs a batch job from the NZ that will push the setting out locally to the institutions. To turn on, they repeat the process, but set the institution to Active instead.
Borrowing- Institutions turn on/off locally in their IZ following these steps:
Navigate to Configuration and then select your resource sharing library from the Configuring dropdown
Click the Fulfillment tab and then click the Library Details link.
Scroll down to the Borrowing Setup section of the Details tab and check the Temporary inactive for borrowing box.
Click the Save button.
Service | UCLA | UCI | UCR | UCSB | UCSD | UCM | UCB | UCD | UCSC | UCSF |
UC Fulfillment Network Physical Item Request Borrowing | On | Off for Go-Live On starting July 30 | On | On | On | Off for Go-Live On starting Aug. 3. | Off for Go-Live | On | Off for Go-Live
| Off for Go-Live |
UC Fulfillment Network Physical Item Lending | On | On | On | On | On | Off for Go-Live On starting Aug. 3. | Off for Go-Live | On | Off for Go-Live | Off for Go-Live |
UC Fulfillment Network Document Delivery Borrowing | On | Off for Go-Live On starting July 30 | On | On | On | Off for Go-Live On starting Aug. 3. | Off for Go-Live | On | On | On |
UC Fulfillment Network Document Delivery Lending | On | On | On | On | On | Off for Go-Live On starting Aug 3. | Off for Go-Live | On | On | On |
Non-UC ILL Request Borrowing | On | Off for Go-Live On starting July 30 | On | On | On | On | Off for Go-Live | On | Returnables: Off for Go-Live Non-returnables: On | Returnables: Off for Go-Live Non-returnables: On |
Non-UC ILL Request Lending | On | Off for Go-Live On starting Aug 9 | On | On | On | On | Off for Go-Live | On | Returnables: Off for Go-Live Non-returnables: On | Returnables: Off for Go-Live Non-returnables: On |
ILL OPs Document: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jbDIkf2FhRFUuwkkN3maKnmxQXdQ0WP7icuwmG-ntts/edit#gid=0
Questions to consider
Do we need to add rows to separate out borrowing and lending, or is everybody planning to suspend borrowing and lending together?
Action Log
Action/Point Person | Expected Completion Date | Notes | Status |
Fulfillment and ILL FG | 7/15/2021 | FG approves this decision page to send to PPC, ICs, EUOS. UCSF may change their borrowing/lending go-live dates as we get closer to the 27th. This is fine. If they need to do this, they will communicate it to Joe Ferrie/CDL, who will update Ex-Libris to make the change/run the job. | Done |
| Approves to send to ICs, EUOS | Done |
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