Salesforce Case Submission- Digitization and Basecamp Tracking

Salesforce Case Submission- Digitization and Basecamp Tracking

Details Regarding Opening SalesForce Cases (For Bugs)

Details Regarding Submitting Enhancement Ideas to Ex-Libris (For Non-Bugs)

Note that this is in part duplicated by https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/c/U4bagWUw

Open Issue


Who’s Responsible for Creating


Sent to sils-sysops@cdlib.org


Open Issue


Who’s Responsible for Creating


Sent to sils-sysops@cdlib.org


Page entries on the Resource Sharing form are only sent when enumeration fields are populated with information.

Critical Issue

Pages are sent only when enumeration fields are populated with information. For example, if volume field is not empty, pages are also sent. Otherwise, system sends ‘Full’ digitization request type. Full digitization request types cannot be processed by Deliver Digital Documents, which prevents staff from being able to complete Document Delivery workflows.

Current work-around while we wait for repair: Mark “Volume” fields on resource sharing form “Mandatory” to force patrons to populate the fields to prevent the error. This is not a workable long-term solution since it’s confusing for the patrons.

Requested using UCSB Primo

Primary ID: ILLfacultysb

Password: SBgauchos

Title: The Breakfast Club : John Hughes, Hollywood, and the golden age of the teen film Elissa H. Nelson

Item Location: Arts Library, UCLA



Appeared in Monitor Requests and Item Processes Queue in UCLA Alma

Fail: Patron Note and Requested Page Numbers did not come through on print slip report

Fail: Fulfillment> Deliver Digital Documents and scanned Request ID. Error note reads: Request is not document delivery and cannot be handled. Please use the digitization task list.

Fail: Request came in as a full instead of partial digitization request


UCLA on behalf of Consortia


Update from Ex-Libris 8/11/21

This fix is scheduled for November 2021 release

Sent 5/28/2021

cc’d Fulfillment FG listserv and ILL Ops Chair

sils-sysops ticket:


ExL Case number:

00960981. cc'd FFG, ILLOPS, and IC groups.

Volume field must be made mandatory on resource sharing form. Note that this can cause an additional issue with the item locator during pick-from-shelf stage. Operator must use the “Attach Request” button to override and put the request in transit.



Preferred Pickup Location Error When Patron Chooses Owning Campus as Pickup

If a patron submits an AFN request for an item from another campus, and chooses the owning campus as the pickup location, Alma changes the pickup location for the request to the patron's home campus instead. If a patron submits an AFN request for an item from another campus, and sets the preferred pickup to a third campus (not their own, and not the owning campus) everything works as expected (the patron is able to pick up from their preferred pickup location). This is happening for all campuses

UCD patron (Jason Newborn primary ID in UCLA Alma 5622465530006533) submits an AFN request using UCD Primo for the following item from UCLA to be picked up by patron at UCLA. On the request form, he chose:
UCLA, Young Research Library as preferred pickup location
UCD Sheilds as preferred local pickup location
UCLA Item Title: Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem. Coach Wooden and Me : Our 50-Year Friendship on and Off the Court . First Edition. New York: Grand Central Publishing, 2017. Print.
UCLA Item Barcode: L0109001206
The result: Fail. The request came to UCLA, staff pulled the item, used Scan In items to place on hold shelf for patron. Instead received an in-transit slip to send the item to UCD Sheilds.

UCSB patron (Scott Hathaway primary ID in UCLA Alma 5883904510006533) submits an AFN request using UCSB Primo for the following item from UCLA to be picked up by patron at UCLA. On the request form, he chose:
UCLA Young Research Library as preferred pickup location
UCSB as preferred local pickup location
UCLA Item Title: UCLA basketball : the real story [by] H. Anthony Medley
Item Barcode: 31158010289907
The result: Fail. The request came to UCLA, staff pulled the item, used Scan In items to place on hold shelf for patron. Instead received an in-transit slip to send the item to UCSB.


UCLA on behalf of Consortia


Sent 8/16/2021

Sils-sysops ticket:

ResourceSharingSupport #18142: Consortia case: Preferred Pickup Location Error When Patron Chooses Owning Campus as Pickup - CDLib Planio

ExL Case Number:


cc’d ILL Ops and Fulfillment FG


Books received in VDX are getting an Alma expiration date several days before the local due date- Affecting UCLA

All books that UCLA is receiving in VDX are getting an ALMA expiration date of 4 days before the local due date. This issue has been generating a large volume of manual work for our ILL staff to correct the expiration dates.




Ex-libris is testing in the sandbox

UCLA Salesforce Ticket: https://exlibrisgroup--c.visualforce.com/apex/VF_Case_WithoutJira?id=5004y00001hIJDYAA4


Unable to check out AFN borrowed items to their requesters- Affecting UCLA

We're seeing some instances of error messages when trying to check out an item borrowed via the AFN to the patron that requested it. When we attempt to check out the item to the UCLA patron, we choose the item's home institution from the dropdown menu, but when we scan the barcode, we are given an error message that the item is on hold for another patron.



Connected to UCLA ticket number 00998677

Connected to UCB ticket number

UCLA Salesforce Ticket number 00998677



Error message when patrons attempt to check out AFN borrowed materials using self check machines- Affecting UCLA and UCSD

UCLA and UCSD are reporting error messages when patrons attempt to check out their AFN requested materials using our 3M/Bibliotheca self-check machines. Both campuses have self-service hold shelves where patrons can retrieve their local and AFN requested items and then check them out using self-check machines located near the shelves. Patrons are reporting error messages when they attempt to scan the barcodes of their AFN requested items for checkout. The error message they are receiving is that the item does not exist. Item barcodes are unique across institutions. This is a critical error for institutions because a significant amount of checkout takes place using these self-checks and hold shelves.



Ex-libris says this can be resolved if the consortia decides to change the settings for patron and item barcodes to be UNIQUE

UCLA Salesforce Ticket



AFN Locator mismatch & unmatches (or other incorrect-ness happening)

Systemwide salesforce case number: 05305139

For IZ cases; on lending side, capture bib & any identifier information (text grab + (optional) screengrab) for SF ticket. Let ExL know if you had to move request on (so patron isn’t waiting). - Could also grab bib & identifier info from VDX requests that have UCs added to rota.

UCSC cases: 00998731; 01003145

UCSB cases: 01006698; 01008243

UCSD case: 01006810

UCB case: 01006794

UCD case: #01006751

UCR case: 06209384

UCI case: 06212478 – This is a “Borrowing-Centric” case where The Borrowing title requested in UC Library Search by the Borrowing patron immediately mismatches to the UC Lender, and the UC lender has no indication that the wrong title was just ordered.

CDL + All




Alma creating duplicate network patrons- UCB




Connected to UCLA ticket number 00998677

Connected to UCSD ticket number 01006424



Alma creating duplicate network patrons- UCSD




Connected to UCLA ticket number 00998677

Connected to UCB ticket number 01007264

UCSD Salesforce Ticket 01006424


























Closed Issue


Who’s Responsible for Creating


Sent to sils-sysops@cdlib.org


Cannot select specific holdings record for the requested material

Linked to Davis Issue Submitted Below When a journal has multiple holdings records, patrons are unable to select the specific holdings record desired for the requested material.

According to Ex-Libris, when we’re selecting 'Cataloged Items' we should have all requestable items available in the drop-down.

UC Davis on behalf of Consortia


Sent 6/3/2021

sils-sysops ticket:


ExL Case number:

00961961. cc’d Fulfillment FG listserv, Derek Sisneros, and Robin Gustafson

Do not use the description drop-down.

Comment field entries on request form currently not displaying on the lender side


Patron entries to the Comment field on the Resource Sharing form are not coming through to the lender side of the request.

This is a critical issue since it prevents staff from knowing details of the patron request that they could not, or choose not to communicate using the other fields (volume, pages, etc.)

Requested using UCSB Primo

Primary ID: ILLfacultysb

Password: SBgauchos

Title: Everyday pasta : favorite pasta recipes for every occasion / Giada De Laurentiis ; photographs by Victoria Pearson.

Item Location: Powell Library, UCLA

Submitted digitization request

Comments Entered: Test digitization request- comment



Appeared in Monitor Requests and Item Processes Queue and Pick From Shelf in UCLA Alma

Fail: Patron Note and Requested Page Numbers came through in Description field on print slip report

Fail: Comments entered on form did not come through on print slip report

Re-ran exact same test with same item, but for monograph request

Comments Entered: Test monograph request- comment


Appeared in Monitor Requests and Item Processes Queue and Pick From Shelf in UCLA Alma

Fail: Comments entered on form did not come through on print slip report



Requested using UCSC Primo


Password: ucsctest

3D printing with Autodesk 123D®, Tinkercad®, and Makerbot®

Location: SEL, UCLA


Submitted digitization request

Comments Entered: Test digitization request- comment


Appeared in Monitor Requests and Item Processes Queue and Pick From Shelf in UCLA Alma

Fail: Patron Note and Requested Page Numbers came through in Description field on print slip report

Fail: Comments entered on form did not come through on print slip report

Re-ran exact same test with same item, but for monograph request

Comments Entered: Test monograph request- comment


Appeared in Monitor Requests and Item Processes Queue and Pick From Shelf in UCLA Alma

Fail: Comments entered on form did not come through on print slip report


UCLA on behalf of Consortia


Sent 5/28/2021

cc’d Fulfillment FG listserv and ILL Ops Chair

sils-sysops ticket:


ExL case number:

00960945, and cc'd cc'd FFG initially, ILLOPS, and IC groups for updates

Other fields must be provided: volume, issue, etc. Information in comments field will not be seen by the lender until this is fixed.

Comments field should be removed.

Davis Beekeeping Title Issue- linked to

Cannot select specific holdings record for the requested material


From Digitization meeting notes:

  • Problem with two holdings when system cannot identify items of a correct holdings record.

 - https://3.basecamp.com/3765443/buckets/15553579/messages/3700858079

Use Deliver Digital Documents from Fulfillment menu to send file using request ID.

We still need a case to inform support about this issue.

Davis @Jason Newborn this one looked like you were working with Svetlana on this. Can you take the lead on getting this written up and emailed to sils-syops@cdlib.org, so they can submit to Salesforce?


Sent 6/3/2021

sils-sysops ticket:


ExL Case number:

00961961. cc’d Fulfillment FG listserv, Derek Sisneros, and Robin Gustafson

Workaround is to use alternative “Deliver Digital Items” workflow (which Ex Libris recommends anyway). This should have minimal or no impact, but needed to be reported.

Request moves from one institution to the next instead of cancelling when the patron cancels their request in Primo.

The patron cancels the request from the lending library tab, but the request does not cancel in full.  The request is cancelled from the current lending institution and moves on to the next institution on the string.

According to Ex-Libris, when a patron cancels their request, it should be completely canceled and not sent to the next partner in the rota.

Requested from UCSD using UCLA Primo

UCLA Patron account:  200601246

Title of Book:  The film experience : an introduction

Resource Sharing Request Status: Request sent to partner, External Id: 01UCSLAL0001077


Fail: Request for UCSD item was cancelled by UCLA patron using Primo, then the request moved to UCSC where it was cancelled.

UCLA on behalf of Consortia


Fixed in October Release

Sent 5/28/2021

cc’d Fulfillment FG listserv and ILL Ops Chair

sils-sysops ticket:


ExL case number:

00960983, cc'd FFG, ILLOPS, and IC groups.

No workaround: patrons must be made aware of this behavior and be told to cancel only in their home institution until this is fixed.

Other UC Patron AFN requests bypassing SRLF holding and moving to UCLA's VDX Not Supplied Queue

High Priority

examples: 9644934, 9649311, 9644937


Our Local Number           01UCSLAL0007990

Name    Wagner, Heather (Staff)

Patron Barcode 6045896860006533

Patron ID             348955

Patron Status     PATRN

Email     hwagner3@ucmerced.edu



Should be fixed after Network patron request TOU is deleted in UCLA IZ and replaced with NZ setting of “Do not convert to resource sharing”

UCLA Salesforce Ticket 987367




Who’s Responsible for Creating


Sent to Idea Exchange?



Who’s Responsible for Creating


Sent to Idea Exchange?

Move information entered by patron to a note field

(I think what we actually want is not to move data from the Description field into a Note field, but to recreated each free-text field as a separate field: article title, volume, issue, pages… JF)

Currently when patrons enter free field text (article title, vol, iss, pages) this information goes to the lender under the “description” field, not the digitization request corresponding fields. If the patron ALSO chooses an item from the Description dropdown menu on the Resource Sharing form, the item information OVERRIDES the citation information in the “description” field in the lender’s pick from shelf list. 

Recommendation: Move information entered by patron to a note field

(I think what we actually want is not to move data from the Description field into a Note field, but to recreated each free-text field as a separate field: article title, volume, issue, pages… JF)


Not Yet Submitted








Basecamp Issue (These may turn into Salesforce Tickets if needed)



Basecamp Issue (These may turn into Salesforce Tickets if needed)



AFN Alternate Pickup Location Issue- All Campuses https://3.basecamp.com/3765443/buckets/15553579/messages/3864854967


Temporary Workaround for staff:


UCSB Digitization Requests




Walk-In Proxy Borrower-AFN



Ex-Libris Response: Proxy user functionality is not supported for linked accounts.

Fulfillment Network TOUs




Request to change Resource Sharing Requests Limits to No Limit- All Campuses




Clarification on NCIP Config for Alma Institutions




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