(Test Load through Post Go-Live) Alma/VDX NCIP Integration
Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided
Status | Decided |
Scope | Test Load through Post Go-Live |
Description | Should UCs implement NCIP integration of Alma and VDX |
Decision |
Owning group | Fulfillment & ILL (SILS-FG-FULFILL-L@LISTSERV.UCOP.EDU) |
Approver | PPC |
Stakeholders | R = Fulfillment and ILL FG |
Decision-making process | Fist of 5 |
Priority | High |
Due date | Feb 18, 2021 |
The FG recommends that all UC institutions integrate VDX with Alma using the NCIP 2 Accept Item and Check In Item messages. (Pre-SILS Alma institutions have already implemented at least the Accept Item message.)
We recommend that a single set of instructions be developed and published by the FG to eliminate redundant work.
We recommend that a representative of the SILS cohort negotiate with OCLC on behalf of the institutions to avoid duplication of effort and possibly negotiate reduced cost.
Because of testing limitations that require transactions with production WSILL, we recommend that NCIP integration be begun during the test phase, but targeted for completion post go-live. If possible all integrations should be completed before go-live, but institutions who will benefit most from the integration based on ILL volume should be prioritized. Based on ILL volume, the
Institutions that currently have NCIP integration (UCD, UCSC, UCSB, UCI, UCR) can retain their current NCIP configurations, but may wish to harmonize their implementations post go-live, as they are not uniform.
NCIP 2 is a standard protocol that enables integration between external systems, including interlibrary loan brokers, and ILS circulation systems. VDX (via the OCLC NCIP gateway) and Alma both support this protocol, and integrations have already been implemented at the UC institutions that installed Alma prior to the SILS.
NCIP integration streamlines integration between the ILL broker and the ILS by automating certain steps in the workflow, increasing both the speed and the accuracy of the workflow and reducing burdens on library staff.
The two NCIP messages that have been used in the integration are:
Accept Item, which automatically creates an on-the-fly record in Alma when the borrower receives the item in VDX.
Check In Item, which automatically removes the on-the-fly record from Alma when the item is returned in the VDX).
Before the SILS, each Alma institution worked independently with OCLC and Ex Libris to achieve the integration. In the SILS environment, this integration can be solved once, and standard instructions can be made available for configuring NCIP on all remaining IZs.
OCLC historically has charged a one-time installation cost ($2000), as well as a yearly maintenance fee ($400), for each NCIP message.
Unanimity among institutions and ROI
Although return on investment for NCIP integration varies across institutions (see attached document), UC institutions have unanimously expressed, through the WG and the SILS local implementation, a desire to implement NCIP integration in their ILL workflows.
In addition to costs that can be estimated based on the time to complete manual workflow steps, the following costs of manual workflow steps have been considered:
The cost of delays in delivering items to hold shelves (as workers will need to create brief bibs for all items in a batch before shipping their items to their destinations).
The cost of correcting errors in data entry.
The cost of more highly paid staff having to perform the data entry when student workers are not available.
Action Log
Action/Point Person | Expected Completion Date | Notes | Status |
Fulfillment and ILL FG | Nov 6, 2020 | Group meets and discuss standardizing NCIP integration across UCs, to avoid manual creation and deletion of on-the-fly records during the fulfillment and ILL processes. Before SILS, each institution worked independently with OCLC and Ex Libris to achieve the integration. The group feels that the best way forward is to propose that a representative of the SILS cohort negotiate an agreement with OCLC to provide the NCIP integration to institutions that are not yet integrated with Alma. | Done |
Fulfillment and ILL FG | Nov 12, 2020 | FG meets and votes on decision page. It passes with unanimous support. | Done |
PPC | Nov 20, 2020 | PPC voted to move foward with unanimous support. PPC Chair will reach out to CDL rep about starting a negotiation for purchase of NCIP. | Done |
Fulfillment and ILL FG | Jan 22, 2020 | Based on new analysis and consultation, reset status to IN PROGRESS and draft new recommendations | Done |
Chairs | Feb 5, 2021 | Received feedback from WG regarding this decision, with a strong recommendation to harmonize across institutions. | Done |
Fulfillment and ILL FG | Feb 11, 2021 | Consider new revision and validate with local teams that a harmonized approach is desired. Revised decision is motivated by recommendations from WG after this FG presented its report on 02/05/2021. | Done |
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