UCS Vanguard Alma & Primo VE Trainings

UCS Vanguard Alma & Primo VE Trainings

For instructions on how to access the Alma sandbox or for details for the Q&A with ExLibris for each week, contact your campus Internal Trainingarchived representative.

NOTE: Links to these trainings may be expired. Linked here are the current Alma Essentials Trainings: Alma Essentials

Week 1: Orientation, Navigation, & Searching


Navigation & Searching

Week 2: Fulfillment

Week 3: Resource Management #1

Week 4: Resource Management #2

Week 5: Resource Management #3

Week 6: Electronic Resources

Week 7: Acquisitions

Week 8: Course Reserves & Booking Requests

Central Discovery Index (CDI) and Introduction to PrimoVE Training

Central Discovery Index

Introduction to PrimoVE

Additional PrimoVE

  • Videos

  • ExL Q&A on 9/28 (post questions by 9/23)


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