IC Implementation Payment Milestone #1

Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided




ICs evaluate the payment acceptance criteria laid out in the SILS agreement for the first implementation payment milestone and recommend payment or not.


Pay the first 33% portion of the implementation fee.

Owning group

Implementation Coordinators


Working Group


R = ICs
A = WG
C = PMs
I = CDL finance

Decision-making process

ICs evaluate with PMs, then report up to WG their recommendation. WG passes their approval to CDL, who can actually pay the invoice.



Due date

May 14, 2020


Pay the first 33% portion of the implementation fee.

Despite some of the milestones not being officially completed by the time of this writing, we have scheduled deadlines and milestones with Ex Libris, and will be monitoring them for completion. The ICs have high confidence at this time that these criteria will be met. The ICs assess that Ex Libris has made sufficient efforts towards these criteria, and there is no reason to withhold payment.


The SILS Agreement (contract) states:

“Implementation Fee: i. 33% of the Implementation Fee is due on the vanguard implementation kick-off date

Description of Deliverable: The vanguard implementation kick-off date marks the completion of the onboarding phase and is the meeting during which the parties commence the vanguard implementation phase. The following activities will have already taken place during the onboarding phase: Delivery of Alma Sandbox with Primo VE; “Getting to Know Alma” training series; Delivery of project Basecamp site; Initial project analysis; High level milestone planning/scheduling; Data migration preparation; 3rd party integration preparation; Implementation readiness checklist.”

Criteria explained and evalated

In discussion with Ex Libris, some of the criteria have been explain in more detail as follows:

  1. Delivery of Alma Sandbox with Primo VE - DONE

    1. Sandbox access was made available on April 6th.

  2. “Getting to Know Alma” training series - DONE

    1. The UC implementation coordinators finished this series of videos by April 24th

  3. Delivery of project Basecamp site - DONE

    1. The Basecamp site was made available on April 6th.

  4. Initial project analysis - IN PROGRESS

    1. The means “completion of implementation form”

    2. UC ICs completed the implementation forms and submitted to Ex Libris on April 24th

    3. Ex Libris: “this is in progress and should be completed by end of May as the project team consultants are currently reviewing the forms - topics from the form responses with likely get covered in the NZ and data preparation discussions.  We might single out a topic for a single campus and have a separate conversation if needed.”

  5. High level milestone planning/scheduling - IN PROGRESS

    1. This is accomplished on a regular basis with weekly meeting with IC steering committee and Ex Libris onboarding coordinator

    2. This is also accomplished via a deep-dive meeting with onboarding coordinator and SILS PMs May 13th

  6. Data migration preparation - IN PROGRESS

    1. This is defined as a series of overview meetings to prepare the ICs for migration, currently scheduled for late May and early June.

  7. 3rd party integration preparation - IN PROGRESS

    1. This is accomplished by the submission of the 3rd party integration forms by the ICs, currently due May 29th

  8. Implementation readiness checklist - IN PROGRESS

    1. This is accomplished by the “Onboarding Deliverables” to-do list in Basecamp being checked off: https://3.basecamp.com/3765443/buckets/15553579/todolists/2379093665

Questions to consider

Some of these actions won’t be fully complete by the time UC needs to make payment for FY19/20. Are we willing to accept “in progress” with assurances of scheduled deadlines / clearly defined milestones? → YES, will continue to be monitored by SILS PMs, project lead, and ICs.

Action Log

Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



ICs submit recommendation to WG for approval @Caitlin Nelson

May 13, 2020



WG approves recommendation

May 14, 2020



WG signals to CDL to pay invoice via @Sarah Houghton

May 14, 2020



The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu