IC (Test Load) Testing Policies and Procedures
Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided
Status | decided |
Scope | Test Load |
Description | Testing processes and procedures for the test load environment that will be delivered in February 2021. NOTE: Moratorium extended one week to accommodate UCM’s late Alma delivery. |
Decision | A testing process for local implementation teams and systemwide FGs was decided. |
Owning group | Implementation Coordinators |
Approver | For process = ICs |
Stakeholders | R = ICs / PPC |
Decision-making process |
Priority | High |
Due date | Feb 5, 2021 |
Recommended Process
Feb 11: ExL presentation on What to expect when Ex Libris delivers Alma environments & using Alma for data review.
Feb 11: ExL releases the test environment; ICs will get sysadmin accounts to start making new accounts as needed. ICs will need several days to verify data migrated as expected before granting access to the IZs.
Feb 11-Feb 25 Mar 4 at 5pm: Moratorium on any type of bibliographic and holdings records work by campus or SILS groups that could impact data in the NZ. This preserves the data in its migrated state and allows for Resource Management FG to do their data review.
Feb 26: ExL releases the Primo VE environments
by Feb 26: Provided migration was successful, ICs will begin creating accounts for their IZ for FGs and other testers. Roles will be assigned based upon requested test function.
Mar 4: ExL presentation on “Primo VE Handoff/First look” in test
March-May: Alma Workshops
DATE TBD: Lessons learned show and tell
DATE TBD: Cutover kickoff
DATE TBD: Test environments no longer available
Sysadmin (high privilege) accounts will be given to ICs at the same time as the environment is released. Those sysadmins will create new local accounts with appropriate privileges to manage system needs and do local testing.
Local campus SILS testers will be given accounts as coordinated by the IC.
SILS Cohort testers will be given accounts as needed by their IC.
The appropriate permission levels will be provided for the test expectation.
All accounts will be for named staff members and associated with a UC email account (for data privacy tracking concerns); no accounts will be shared.
Before receiving an account, a “guest” (someone from a different campus or asking for NZ access) must read the Acknowledge of Data Security Responsibilities.
Best practices for guest accounts:
Be specific about exactly why you need a guest account. Do not assume you will be given one. Fewer guest accounts will be given in the Test Load since all campuses will have their own IZ.
Don’t make any changes without consulting the IC in charge. For the NZ, that’s Alison Ray.
Project Test Plan:
Test plan overview
ICs will be spearheading local testing and distributing local accounts in their instances.
Each IC/local campus is in charge of their own test plan(s) and accounts
FG Chairs will be spearheading systemwide testing. FG members will request accounts from their home campus IC.
Date | ICs | Local testing | FG (systemwide) testing |
Feb 11-Feb 25 | Validate data & configurations (moratorium on bibs/holdings work until Feb 25; see below) |
by Feb 26-end of test load |
| Local SILS testing | FG testing |
DATE TBD | Lessons learned show and tell (optional for each group to debrief on lessons learned) | ||
DATE TBD | Test environment no longer available |
Specific Test Plans:
Local campuses are responsible for their own test plans, focusing on local campus data and configuration needs, and local testing will not be coordinated at the SILS IC group level. Local campus testers can take advantage of shared resources and examples here: Alma campus IC recommendations for Data Testing
This document was created for the Vanguard phase Recommendations for Vanguard data migration testing and represents a basic UC data validation checklist that each local campus should use as a baseline.
SILS Functional Groups are responsible for their own test plans, focusing on systemwide workflows and policies, and FG testing will not be strictly coordinated at the SILS PPC level. FG members can find their test plans in their specific Google Drive folders.
Network Zone testing:
The CDL Data in the Network Zone SILS group will be primarily responsible for testing CDL-managed shared data in the Network Zone.
Coordination between local campus testing and FG testing:
Where coordination is needed between local testers and FG testers (for example because of potential overwriting of data, or overlapping work), the campus FG member is primarily responsible for coordinating between the needs of the Functional Group and the local testing, and can loop in the campus IC and FG Chair as needed.
Moratorium on bibs/holdings work until Feb 25 Mar 4:
The ICs are recommending a moratorium on any type of bibliographic and holdings records work by campus or FGs that could impact data in the NZ until 2/25 3/4 at 5pm.This would preserve the data in its migrated state and allow for Resource Management FG to do their data review. This moratorium would not apply to local testing on Fulfillment and Resource Sharing, or Acquisitions, whose testing would not result in changes to bibs and holdings data in the NZ.
Best Practices
Finish reviewing your data before you change it.
Figure out how to do your data review more efficiently and document it. You will only have a couple of days to review data in cutover so take the time now during Test Load to work out your plan.
If something goes wrong in Test load, an Ex Libris consultant will advise you how to fix it. Test it to ensure it was fixed to avoid problems in cutover.
Be responsive to Ex Libris messages in Sales Force to avoid holding up migration (It will be essential in cutover!)
Edit this timeline as needed if Alma IZ & NZ are delivered early. (Done. Changed the date from Feb 19 to Feb 11)
Even if the NZ is delivered early, the moratorium dates do not change.
Exended the moratorium one week to accommodate ExL’s late delivery.
Acknowledgement of Data Security Responsibilities
Recommendations for Vanguard data migration testing worksheet
Alma campus IC recommendations for Data Testing
Action Log
Action/Point Person | Expected Completion Date | Notes | Status |
@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) to draft decision page | 1/27/21 | Copy vanguard test page and edit | DONE |
ICs to review the decision page and edit | 1/28/21 | at the IC meeting on 1/28 | DONE |
PPC to review the decision page and suggest any edits | 1/29/21 | at the PPC meeting on 1/29 | DONE |
IC and PPC co-chairs to review make final edits | 2/2/21 | at the Coordinators meeting on 2/2 | DONE |
ICs to approve the final draft | 2/4/21 | at the IC meeting on 2/4 or earlier via email if PPC edits are minor | DONE |
Share the final decision page broadly | 2/5/21 | PMs to share via slack with all-cohort, PPC, ICs, SILS Chairs SILS chairs to share with their groups Add to SILS Chairs meeting agenda | DONE |
Get decision from SILS Chairs on whether to extend the moratorium end date from 2/25 to 3/4 | 2/24/21 at SILS Chairs meeting | Agreement to extend one week. Lena updated the decision page to reflect the new date. | DONE |
Share the news that the moratorium is extended one week to Mar 4 at 5pm | 2/25/21 | ICs and FGs to share the new extended moratorium deadline (3/4 at 5pm) with local teams and testers. |
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