2020-06-02 Op Leads (PM) Meeting notes


Jun 2, 2020 11-12 pm


  • @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) , Co-chair, PM Leads

  • @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) , Co-chair, PM Leads

  • @Ben Alkaly (Unlicensed), Com Leads

  • @Caitlin Nelson, PPC/IC liaison

  • @Adrian Petrisor, Com Leads

  • @Neil Weingarten, PM Leads, unavailable

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Co-chairs update

UC Davis is investigating new beta feature in Gdrive that would allow us to add someone to just one folder in a drive

Confluence home page: Keep heading unlinked?



  • One comment about where other decisions live besides final decisions. No action at this time but if we hear this often, we may want to reconsider adding another link on home page to all decisions in process. Adrian manually tags final (decided) decisions with an additional label in order for the rollup filter to work.

  • We may test drive a beta feature of google shared drive to allow for people to be added at the folder level. This would be helpful for temporary campus consultants.

Headings in Confluence should not be hyperlinked. It does not display properly when you are not logged in.


@Adrian Petrisor will delete the draft Confluence home page and change headers to black type.
@Ben Alkaly (Unlicensed) will add a link to the wiki and SILS News from SILS website and add recent SILS News.

(Op Leads)

Review / finalize work plans

  • Goes to WG for approval at 6/12 meeting

  • Sent as pre-read no later than June 10

PM Leads work plan

Com Leads work plan



Ben and Adrian met with EUOS today. They agreed to have a monthly checkins with EUOS group.

Question arose about how will communication happen in the post-go-live operational phase. Communication should continue.

Com Leads will schedule meetings each week with chairs of groups. The goal will be to discuss:

  • How to communicate to Cohort vs. UC Libraries vs. general audience

  • How do you feel about the feedback you’re receiving? From Cohort & campus (through reps)

  • What decisions are relevant to each comms. platform

Next step, meet with Internal Training group to discuss overlaps and who does what and how Com leads can support Internal Training.

Com Leads will meet monthly with a subset of the End User Outreach group + Training PM Neil.

Add COM Leads work plan review to agenda for June 9 Ops Lead
@Christine Barone (Unlicensed) to invite Adrian to June 12 WG.

Monthly Cohort Town Halls for Cohort

Review plan for monthly cohort town halls:

Proposed agenda format:
Co-Chair Intro: State of the Union (5 mins)
PM update: Past month accomplishments/upcoming (10 mins)
Group presentation: One per month (10-15 mins)
Q&A: Submitted in advance, asked in chat (30 mins or as long as needed)



  • Start with Com Leads as the group presentation in the first month to kick it off, then PMs or WG.

  • Group presentation talks about their work and how they work, not specifically what they are working on. That is, not a project report. How they relate to the other groups, etc.

  • Q&A: 3 ways - submitted in advance via the AskSILS-L@ucop.edu or FAQ form, 2) asked in chat during the townhall (ask for cohort members to monitor chat with instruction from Com Leads on who answers what)

  • Ben and Adrian will manage the town halls. TBD if any help needed.

  • Starting after July 6 (post holiday). Middle of the week is a good spot.

  • Possibly do it as a lunchtime brown bag, 12:30-1:30?

  • Record and share with the cohort on Google shared drive/cloud

  • Set recurring meeting? Second Wednesday or Thursday of each month.

  • Set a group presentation schedule. Send a draft proposal to chairs and allow them to respond as needed.

  • Wait and see how many Q&A questions to decide if we need to increase frequency



(Op Leads)

From PPC: Request to change the decision template to include “scope = vanguard” somewhere.


Christine, Caitlin

Moved to 6/4 meeting




(Ops Leads) Ongoing checkin

PPC, IC, TOC checkin:

  1. Anything to report? Issues raised?

  2. Is anything blocked or behind schedule?

  3. What deliverables are coming in the next week?

  4. Any decisions, consultations or approvals needed in the next week? 

  5. Do you need anything?


Christine, Lena, Neil, Caitlin





(Op Leads)

Review intro to the zones https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kEZXtIddN5N-x0k5an3q_us6iAsjojRcNC0m-o0SN0E/edit



Table for later meeting





Awareness of upcoming communications and anything needed


Ben, Adrian

  • SSM SILS News and Email Message to Cohort on 6/3




Parking Lot




  • Discussion on feasibility of having the cohort on Basecamp. Benefits / risks? Discuss at IC meeting and bring recommendation by June 9. (Caitlin)











Future Agenda items

  1. Communication flows documentation review (Adrian & Ben)

  2. Review outstanding premortem risk mitigation actions with PM Leads


The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu