2020-11-02 Meeting notes


  • @Elizabeth A. DUPUIS (Unlicensed)

  • @Cynthia Johnson

  • @Micquel Little (Unlicensed)

  • @Rikke Ogawa (Unlicensed), co-chair

  • @Sara Davidson Squibb (Unlicensed)

  • @Sarah Houghton

  • @Sarah Troy

  • @Vincent Novoa (Unlicensed)

  • @Beth Callahan (Unlicensed), co-chair

  • @Rebecca Metzger (Unlicensed)

  • @David Schmitt (Unlicensed)

Not attending

Facilitator: Beth C
Notetaker:@Micquel Little (Unlicensed)
Timekeeper:@David Schmitt (Unlicensed)

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome








Catch-up and gathering together

10:00-10:05 am




Discussion Follow up topic: Should we, as a system, use CDI to manage OA resources?

Recommendation to appropriate group

Question: Should we, as a system, use CDI to manage OA resources?

10:06-11:10 am


Meeting Notes:

  • Clarifying the main question is “Should we use CDI to manage OA resources?” Addressing this question includes philosophy and practice considerations.

  • Decision does not need to be made immediately, but we need to prepare for when the decision does need to be determined. The recommendation is to address this question in July 2021 or after. We recognize this might need to sit in a “parking lot” throughout the next months of the SILS project as other aspects of post-implementation continue to develop such as governance, etc.

  • This initial question is most likely one of more that will need to be tracked and organized for post-implementation. This is something PSELG should keep in mind to assist in questions not falling through the cracks.

  • Timing and priority is driven by current work being addressed by the same staff who would need to be heavily involved in this decision as well (Technical Services, etc.)

    • Are there philosophical or information gathering reviews we can begin now to help begin the outlining of pros, cons, etc.?

  • Information we may need:

    • Experiences of campuses currently trying to use the CDI to manage OA.

    • Workflow and implications of using or not using CDI for technical services.

    • Questions to be considered from all perspectives of functional group expertise.

    • Scholarly Communication CKG expertise should also be included.

  • Given timeline of July, post-implementation, we could turn on CDI for something and evaluate to help influence this decision as well.

  • Given progress on SILS shared governance work currently being done, this decision will have financial and resource impact and therefore need to be escalated up through CoUL, regardless of what decision is made.


Summary of discussions with TSELG, RMFG, CDL e-books strategies taskforce: this is a decision for a taskforce beyond just PSELG to pick up after migration on the question of when do we rely on the CDI for Open Access discovery of items, when do we catalog an OA item and who catalogs the item.

  • TSELG conversation: Each campus approaches cataloging OA items differently and a taskforce would need to understand what each campus does. The decision would impact local and centralized cataloging resources. There is much to be debated about the value of indexing versus the value of cataloging, the distinct purposes of each, and the resulting findability for the end-user. More TSELG detailed notes in Google Drive.

  • RMFG conversation: We can’t harmonize this practice before migration given other deadlines, so move the data and decide after July. More RMFG detailed notes in Google Drive.

  • CDL e-book strategies taskforce conversation: Policies and Procedures exist for shared cataloging of OA materials in the UCs. More CDL TF detailed notes in Google Drive.

Common threads from the discussions:

  • Each group thought there should be a system-wide decision as part of SILS with stakeholders beyond cataloging.

  • Each group felt unable to address the complexity of the issue alone because it had implications for workload, end-user functionality/discovery, and philosophical implications of how we (UC as a system) live our values related to OA.

  • The need to move through Vanguard to Implementation takes precedence over this discussion but the issue needs to be addressed post implementation.

Framework for discussion in PSELG:

  • Review documentation (links provided above) prior to 11/2/20 meeting.

  • Clarifying questions about problem: open group discussion.

  • Recommend pathways forward immediately, one of which is creating a decision page, and after July 2021 (please review examples in SILS Decision Rollup page)



We will begin working on this question vs delaying entirely until July. See actions for initial steps in gathering local campus information.

Actions (two decision pages for PSELG):

Move over any OA records you currently have so they don’t get lost.
Outline scope and questions for local campus groups that can be reviewed over the next couple months. These local conversations will help provide information that will inform our next steps in consulting with the SILS FG’s.
  • Consider shared spreadsheet to help wrangle the questions and discussion vs being leads across both PS and TS.

  • Partner with TSELG to facilitate local campus discussions in answering questions as point leads.

  • Timeframe for the actions above are before the holidays in December 2020.

  • Note: We need to be careful with scope creep around our group’s role and continue to partner with additional applicable escalation lead groups.


@Beth Callahan (Unlicensed) Email Project Managers for SILS to ask their advice and guidance for delayed and extended decisions like this.


Next week we will meet to discuss Scope and then questions/ examples.
@Beth Callahan (Unlicensed) will create draft document for team to work on together.

Wrap-up and next steps

Review actions and assignments

11:11-11:20 am






PM Update - FYI

Update from Christine at the PPC meeting 10/30/20






Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion









80 min






Future agenda items


The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu