Ex Libris Created and Maintained Training Documentation
The Basics
Trainings anyone working in Alma should consider taking
The basics of Alma, a good starting place for anyone who will work in the system
For anyone starting to work with Primo VE
For anyone wanting to know how to search in Primo and how Primo works
In Depth Trainings
Focused trainings that some staff should consider.
Fundamentals of Alma course
Select trainings in functional areas can be useful, even when the other trainings are not completed
New version (2/2021), but folks who did the Essentials course during the Vanguard or Implementation phases do not need to complete this version as well
However, the old metadata editor was used in the Vanguard and Implementation Ex Libris trainings and exercises, so they may not be applicable to the current interface.
Workflows and other information
Other Useful Information
Where you can find Ex Libris' training materials, product documentation, and more
General FAQs, which include information about accessibility, integrations, APIs, and some basics about how Alma functions
Alma and Primo VE FAQs, with information about how the two products work together
Ex Libris Education and Knowledge Webinars
Not UC-specific, for all Ex Libris customers
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